Chapter 2 - Brother&Sister

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Being a ghost, you don't sleep. Watching as my parents and siblings slept, correcting Nessie's dream if it turned scary, comforting Mum and Dad in their sleep. I looked at Owen who was snoring lightly as he slept spread out across his bed. And for the first time ever I decided to appear in his dream.

'Hi Owen.' I smiled standing on the grass as the setting of his dream changed.

'Who are you?' He questioned confusion changing his features.

'It doesn't matter but you will know me one day.' I reassured him.

'Why are you here?' He asked.

'Just to advise you to listen to your parents, they just care for you.' I mentioned in a soft voice.

'I'm 16, I should be allowed some freedom!' He argued.

'You are allowed freedom Owen, but you were gone for 7 hours without and explanation.' I replied trying not to make him upset.

I saw him stirring from his sleep so I left his dream and moved away, leaving him to himself.

I left the house while they all continued to sleep. I made my way through the town pasting by other spirits who hadn’t passed on. Some ghosts can choose when they pass on but others such as myself cannot.

*Owen’s p.o.v*

I awoke from my sleep after a strange dream. I sat up in my bed running my hand through my hair. A girl was in my dream, she talked to me. Her voice so calm yet filled with happiness as if she knew me. The girl had long blonde hair that went to just past her shoulders, a similar shade to my own hair. Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she spoke. She looked so familiar it was like I knew her, I recognise her. I feel as if I should know her, but I have no idea who she is.   I shrugged it off and pulled the covers back over me and settled into a peaceful sleep once again.  

*Cecilia’s p.o.v*

 I wish I was alive and could be with my family but I can’t. They always say that people die because it’s there time or when babies die that they because it isn’t there time to be on earth. But then why am I here? Why did I grow up as a spirit and not as an alive human being? Why haven’t I passed on, why can’t I pass on?  Don’t get me wrong I love watching my family, but I just don’t understand why I was taken away from them.

I made my way back to the house just before dawn, staying out the way sitting on the kitchen top. The household began to awaken, Dad was first off making his way to work. Breakfast was in full swing when Owen finally decided to make and appearance, he slumped down on the bar stall and started eating the cereal mum had placed in front of him. Once Alisa and Nessie were out of the room getting dressed and ready. Owen spoke up, apologising to mum.  

‘I’m sorry for worrying you yesterday.’ Owen said focusing on the circles his was making with his spoon and milk.

‘It’s alright Owen, we just need you to be more responsible and your dad and I both would like it if you trusted us more and if you were more honest.’ Mum said gently.  

‘I do trust you and-‘ he sighed cutting himself off and just replied with a simple ‘Okay.’  


  I walked next to Owen as he headed into class.

  *Owen’s p.o.v*

I don’t see why they expect me to tell them where I was last night, because it really wasn’t any of their business and I’m 16, I don’t have to tell them everything. Well yeah but you’re not a legal adult till you’re 18. A voice in my head reminded me. So! I’m still allowed privacy! I thought back. They only wanted to know where you were, not what you were doing. The voice spoke trying to reason with my thoughts.   I was brought out of the conversation I was having in my head when I tripped on a step, stumbling forward but not actually falling. There’s a step there, Stupid.   Gladly no one had seen, the corridors were empty. I was late, I hadn’t even notice the time go by all because I was having a conversation with my conscience in my head. Well that’s great that just makes me sound insane. You are insane. It muttered quietly. I shook my head and made my way to my maths class on the positive side, at least it’s a Friday.  

*Cecilia’s p.o.v*

Nothing Owen did today at school, gave any insight into what he was doing last night. Nothing his friends have said was any use either. Right now I have no clue what he could have been up to last night. I just hope it isn’t anything bad.   At home Mum seemed happy and excited, at dinner she announced what we would be doing on our Saturday.  

‘We are going to visit Nanna and Pops, Aria, Alfie, Oscar and their families will also be there.’ Mum smilled.

A/N: This was written on my phone as i have been away but i am back now and i have two weeks half term so i will be writing as much as i can, as well as this story i will also be updating The Hidden Past.

i hope this isn't to boring but i just need to explain a bit before i can get into the story without getting you all confused and if you haven't guessed Owen's "conscience" is Cecilia.

Nath and Ellie are back!! and will appear in the next chapter along with Aria, Alfie and Oscar and there families :D Also something might be revealed that might have something to do with Owen maybe :P

i don't normally do this but it would mean a lot to me if you guys would check out the short 600 word story i had to do for my english, it is called A Heartless Winter and it is on my profile, please let me know what you think and if it is good enough! :)

I hope you are all doing well! I feel like i haven't said thank you recently so thank you to all my new fans, readers, all the comments and votes. You all make me smile and make me happy so i thank you greatly for that!! -Love Lucie xx

Forgetting The Dead-(Additional Story To The Tom Parker's Sister Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now