Chapter 5 - Argument

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*Cecilia’s p.o.v*

I should have known that I was right, that his good behaviour wouldn’t last long. I was wrong so very wrong. At the moment Mum was talking to Owen’s good friend Axel on the phone.

‘I’ve brought him to my house, I’ll look after him and bring him home tomorrow morning.’ Axel said.

‘Thank you Axel, do you know why he has been acting like this?’ Mum asked curiously.

‘No Mrs James I don’t but I think it might have something to do with the new people he has been hanging out with, he hardly ever tells me anything anymore, I’m sorry Mrs James.’ Axel apologised.

‘It’s okay Axel, it’s not your fault and thank you for your help.’ Mum replied.

‘No worries Mrs James, I’ll see you tomorrow.’ Axel said before hanging up the phone.

Mum placed the phone down and sighed heavily.

‘Hey beautiful.’ Dad’s voice rang out as he came through the front door.

‘Daddy you’re late.’ Nessie declared running to give him a hug.

‘Sorry sweetie work ran over longer than it was meant to, anyway aren’t you meant to be in bed?’ Dad said tickling Nessie at the end of his sentence.

‘I was in bed Daddy, but I heard you come home.’ She squealed.

‘Okay then, go up to bed I’ll be up in a minute to say goodnight.’ He smiled letting her go.

The excited 9 year old ran off leaving Mum and Dad alone.

‘What’s wrong Lil?’ Aiden asked moving closer to Mum.

‘Owen.’ Was all Mum had to say for Dad to understand.

Dad pulled Mum into a hug kissing her cheek and forehead.

‘It’ll be alright Lillie, he’ll learn one way or another.’ Dad said leaning back looking at his beautiful wife as he holds her hands, her engagement and wedding ring present on her left hand, her big blue eyes holding all of her emotions. The love she has for the man stood in front of her. The upset and disappointment caused by the actions of her son. The fear of what will happen to him if he continues to be an idiot.

‘Go to bed and rest, I’ll be there once I’ve checked on the girls.’ Dad said giving Mum a kiss.

Mum nodded then turned leaving while fiddling with the chain that was at home around her neck, the same chain that had the promise ring on it that Dad had given Mum on her 18th birthday.


*Next day*

Today is a Saturday, everyone in the house woke around 10. Alisa and Nessie sat together in the front room with Dad as they watched tv together. Mum was making breakfast for them all. Mum held a mug of coffee in her hand as she walked to the door that had just been knocked on. She pulled open the door, the house and everyone in it was alerted as the mug crashed to the floor sending hot coffee and broken china in several directions.

There Owen stood on the front step, bloody and bruised. What the hell had happened to him?

Dad and Alisa appeared behind Mum while Nessie just peered around the door to the front room.

Owen stepped into the house, mumbling some words to Axel who stood behind him before closing the door and faced his Mum and Dad.

‘What the hell happened?’ Dad exclaimed.

‘I got into a fight at a party.’ Owen offered as an explanation.

‘Where you hurt Owen?’ Mum asked rushing forward to check if he was injured anywhere else.

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