Chapter 4 - Apologies&Promises

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*Owen’s p.o.v*

I waited till both Mum and Alisa had left Nessie’s room before walking across the hallway, slowly opening her door.

‘Nessie.’ I said closing the door behind me.

‘Go away.’ She replied, she sat on her bed a teddy bear clutched in her arms.

I went over and sat on her bed next to her, Nes turned her body away so she wasn’t looking at me. I pulled her back onto my lap, hugging her.

‘I’m sorry Nessie, you shouldn’t have had to hear that.’ I apologised.

‘You said you weren’t sad Owie, but you are.’ She replied leaning against my chest. ‘You lied Owie.’ She sniffled.

‘I’m not sad Nes, I just want more freedom that’s all.’ I tried to reassure.

‘You’re not going to leave us are you?’ She questioned looking at me with her big brown eyes through her lashes.

‘No I’m not going to leave Nes.’ I replied giving her another hug.

‘Can you forgive me?’ I asked my youngest sister.

‘I forgive you Owie.’ She smiled yawning.

I got up off her bed and pulled the covers over her.

‘Night Nessie.’ I whispered kissing her head.

I left her room and went back to my own at least I had one family member who had forgiven me.

*Lillie’s p.o.v*

I had left Nessie alone in her room like she wanted after I had gotten her to calm down, I best go talk with Aiden. I entered our bedroom to see him about to get into bed, his eyes averted to me. He came over wrapping his arms around me.

‘Is she alright?’ He asked worried.

‘Yeah, she was madder at Owen than anything.’ I replied placing my hand on Aiden’s cheek.

‘You both need to stop arguing.’ I mentioned looking into his brown eyes.

‘He needs to learn, Lillie, that he can’t run around getting drunk and everything else.’ He argued.

‘I know he can’t Aiden but can we cut back on the arguing, it’s scaring the girls.’ I said honestly.

‘He doesn’t listen either way Lils, if only he’d stop being so difficult.’ He groaned.

‘Mmhh, remember you were a teenager once and I bet you were like this at sixteen.’ I reminded him.

‘I know, I know.’ He chuckled.

I leaned up and gave him a kiss.

-Next Day-

*Cecilia’s p.o.v*

‘Owen can we talk to you?’ Mum asked as her son entered the kitchen.

He sat himself down looking confused, Lillie and Aiden sitting either side of him.

'Owen, we feel you have reached the age where we can tell this to you.' Aiden spoke carefully; observing his eldest child, watching his reactions.

'You had a twin Owen; her name is Cecilia, she died three days after birth.' Lillie explained to her son.

I watched as emotions ran across his face; anger, sadness, hurt, loss. He stood up abruptly moving away from our parents.

'Why did you wait so long to tell me, I have a twin sister who's dead!' He exclaimed not knowing what to do, still confused by the information that had just been revealed to him.

'Owen, you were too young, you wouldn't have understood.' Lillie said trying to reason with her son.

Not listening he walked out and continued walking out the front door and down the road. I can't let him be angry at them.

*Owen's p.o.v*

I can't believe they had been hiding this from me they told me to be truthful and honest with them let they hid this from me for 16 years.

I didn't know where to go so I let my feet take me. I arrived at the local cemetery, I took a seat on a bench and glanced ahead of me.

In memory Of:

Cecilia James

A beautiful daughter and twin

3 days old

15th June 2030

I read over the engraved writing, my head dropped.

‘Owen.’ A voice said calmly.

My head snapped to see a girl around my age with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was the same girl from my dream!

‘Who are you?’ I demanded feeling confused.

‘I’m Cecilia.’ She whispered softly.

‘Not you’re not Cecilia is dead!’ I cried.

‘I am Cecilia, only you can see me at the moment. I haven’t left earth yet.’ She said.

I scanned over her facial features she did look a lot like me but a feminine version.

‘Why are you here?’ I questioned.

‘Still on earth, I’m not sure and as for being stood in front of you, I’m here to talk to you.’ She explained taking a seat next to me.

‘Please don’t hate our parents Owen, they never wanted to hurt you. They waited to tell you so you would understand it better, I was a very sick baby there was nothing that could have been done to save me Owen. Please stop getting drunk Owen, it’s hurting our family. Nessie doesn’t understand it and it really was sad that you had to be carried up the stairs. Where do you go when you’re out anyway, I’ve tried finding you but I never can. Please don’t do any stupid stuff Owen, I love you bro and I don’t want you to keep getting in trouble.’ She spoke, on a serious note Cecilia did have great points and helped me to understand more.

But then I’m allowed to go out and drink, it’s all part of having fun as a teenager, maybe I shouldn’t get completely wasted though.

‘I go to parties and meet up with my girlfriend.’ I admitted revealing a secret I had been hiding for a while.

‘You have a girlfriend, aww that’s so cute!’ Cecilia squealed next to me.

‘Oh shut up.’ I grumbled blushing slightly.

‘You best go back home Owen, I’ll be in touch, I’m always around.’ Cecilia smiled before disappearing.

She was right I best be heading back home. I walked home replaying everything that had just happened. When I opened the door, I saw Mum first I went straight to her and hugged her.

‘I’m sorry from keeping it from you Owen , I hope you understand why.’ She said holding me tightly.

‘I understand Mum, I’m sorry for walking out.’ I replied pulling away from the hug and smiling.

The next person I went to was dad, I hugged him as well.

‘I’m really sorry Dad, for everything.’ I apologised to him.

‘Well I hope you have learned your lesson.’ He chuckled.

*Cecilia’s p.o.v*

It was lovely to have my brother be able to see me, I know he agreed slightly to what I had told him but I don’t think it will last long.

Forgetting The Dead-(Additional Story To The Tom Parker's Sister Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now