The meeting

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Evelyn's pov:

As we all left the house after getting ready Nella had messaged Chunkz and had gotten the address.

Evelyn- "Okay so it is my turn to drive today so everyone find your seats and Nella will sit at the front since she has the address."

Nella- "Thanks a lot Evelyn"

Evelyn- "No problem!!"

Since it was a little early me and the girls decided to get some drinks and I decided to get the boys a box of chocolate as a mini thank you gift. So after we had gotten our drinks, I went into the store to buy a big box of chocolate as a thank you gift.

At last we had reached the destination and told Nella to call Chunkz to inform him that we were outside the gates.

Nella-" Oh hey Chunkz we are outside the gates and wanted to inform you so you could be able to open the door for us bye."

Chunkz- " No problem I'm waiting by the door and as soon as you knock it I will open it bye!"

*Phone call ends*

We all walked up to the door and the girls had selected me to knock on the door.

*Knocks* *Door opens*

Chunkz-" Oh hi girls I am chunkz and welcome to the beta squad house!"

Evelyn- " Thanks for letting us  come in I hope that we did not disturb any of your plans today!"

Chunkz- " Oh no you didn't in fact we were all waiting to meet you as Nella had told us lots of good things about you guys and don't worry we are all nice."

We all came inside the house as chunkz had closed the door. He lead us to the living room which had a large sofa placed in the middle and 4 other boys sat on it.

Chunkz- "Okay so the man with that hat on is Sharky, the one with glasses is Kenny, the short little rat is named Aj and the tall lanky man over there is called Niko and as I have already told you I am Chunkz."

Everyone (from Beta squad)- "Nice to meet you girls!"

Everyone (our group)- "You too!"

As we had sat down we had introduced each other and I thought that it was the perfect moment to give them the gift I got for them.

Evelyn- "Oh I forgot to give this but I got you guys  a little gift!"

Kenny-" Oh Evelyn you didn't have too but thanks a lot!"

Sharky-" Yeah thanks for the gift!"

Nella & Chunkz- "What about the video what should we do?"

We had all discussed ideas and decided to do the last to leave the box challenge with them and that we had to be in teams of 2 so the winners could equally share the prize.

Chunkz- "Okay so I'll put each of you girls names here and the boys will pick out who they get with their eyes closed."


Aj- Rose




Chunkz- Nella

We had all exchanged numbers and had made a group chat  with members from both sides.

As we continued on chatting someone had entered the room and it was a girl.

??- "Who are they?"

Chunkz- "Oh some friends of ours and we will be making a video of them and uh girls that is liza, Niko's girlfriend."

We had all introduced ourselves to her and she seemed nice but something about her felt off.

After chatting for a lot of time we had decided to film tomorrow and so me and the girls had decided to go home as it was late. We all said our goodbyes and headed home.

As we reached home we went to our bedrooms to get a long sleep for tomorrow's video.


I woke up to my alarm ringing and had turned it off to go get ready for the video.

I had styled my blonde wolfcut hair and wore my outfit and got ready as I had already heard the others downstairs chatting

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I had styled my blonde wolfcut hair and wore my outfit and got ready as I had already heard the others downstairs chatting. I left my room and went downstairs to see everyone already ready to go.

Nella- " Okay so I have ordered us drinks for breakfast and they are here and then we will head to the studio as chunkz already gave me the address to the studio but we will not immediately start the video as they said that it will take sometime to check if the box is safe and cannot easily collapse."

We all had nodded and grabbed our drinks before leaving the house.

Lia- " Evelyn please can you drive because your the best driver out of everyone here."

I had eventually gave in to driving and we all had screamed our lungs out to our favourite songs while heading to the destination.

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