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Chunkz's Pov:

While me and the others were waiting for the girls to arrive I couldn't help but notice that Niko was on his phone staring at it intensely while furrowing his eyebrows.

Chunkz- "Yo bro is everything alright you seem so busy on your phone?"

Niko-" Yeah everything is alright." * He puts his phone away*

Chunkz-" Oh ok, I think the girls are coming soon so I am going to go to the boys."

Niko- " Oh alright see ya!"

Niko's Pov:

Why was my girlfriend telling me that Evelyn was very horrible when she has not even properly met her? Is Evelyn that horrible as Liza describes her as? Did she really bully my girlfriend in high school? Did she actually make fun of her? My mind was full of questions about if Evelyn had ever been mean but she did not look like she would do that. She seemed innocent. However I could not just think that of Evelyn n when I had not even fully met her. I could not just believe things about her just because she looked like that as she could have actually bullied my girlfriend. However I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone call me over informing me that the girls had arrived.

Evelyn's pov-

Me and the girls had arrived at the studio and chunkz had came upto us  and had greeted us and told us that the video would start soon.

Chunkz-" Yo girls! It is nice to meet you guys again, anyways the video will start soon so make sure you guys are ready anyways the rest are there and I have to make a quick call so I will be quick! Bye for now!" He then left us.

We all headed towards the room and the boys greeted us but something felt off Niko's girlfriend was glaring at me even though I had done nothing to her.

Kenny-"Yo girls its good to see you guys again! If at any moment you girls feel uncomfortable just inform us about it." He reassured us.

Olivia-" Thanks for letting us film a video with you guys and its good to see you guys again!"

The rest continued on speaking but I felt two pairs of eyes on me and out of the corner of my eye I could see Niko and his girlfriend whose name I think was Liza but I just shrugged it off not really caring that they are staring at me.

The vid had then started and the first few challenges were annoying and quite easy and no one had left however the crew of beta squad decided to put a little lie detector in the box and we had to answer two questions each.

Sharky-"Okay so your question Evelyn is have you ever been bullied or have you ever bullied someone?"

Niko's Pov:

As soon as I heard this question I knew that this was the moment to find out if Evelyn had really bullied my girlfriend in high school however I knew that this could  be a lie as my girlfriend has previously lied to me in our relationship.

Evelyn's Pov:

Evelyn-"I have never ever bullied anyone in my life but I have gotten bullied by this one girl in high school."

Sharky-" That is sadly the truth and I feel so bad about you getting bullied that just feels so cruel to bully someone."

Evelyn-" Oh it's not that a big of a deal but yeah it was in the past."

Niko's Pov:

As soon as I heard Evelyn say that and saw that it was the truth I was deeply mad inside knowing that my girlfriend has lied to me once again and this time I would not forgive her as her normally lying to me was okay but the fact that she has now lied that Evelyn has bullied her once is not something to lie about and I cannot believe that she had made such a big fuss about it.

Evelyn Pov-

As each team had eventually left the box me and Niko had won the game received such a big prize. I was in shock the fact that I was even able to do this and that out of all the teams me and Niko had won.

Niko-"YESSSSS WE WON!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!"


Everyone congratulated us as we left the box and then Chunkz had spoken up.


Olivia-"Omg yes that is a good ideas!" She nodded her head in agreement.

Rose and Lia-"Yeah we totally agree!"


After discussing some plans we went home and packed some things and drove to the boys house.

*Knocks on door* *Chunkz opens it*

Chunkz-"Yo wassup girls come in and just leave your stuff by the table over there and just come to the living room and we will be waiting over there." he then left to give us some time to put our stuff away.

Lia-" They are so kind to let us stay over and lets give Nella a round of applause who actually introduced us to the group."

Rose and Olivia-"Yeah Nella thanks for it without you we would have not even be here!"

Nella-"Thanks guys but remember I would have not called Chunkz if it was not for Evelyn!"

The girls then clapped for me and then we had all headed to the living room and saw the boys sitting on the couch and then Aj spoke up.

(Side note- I am so sorry for my terrible grammar this is my first ever book I have published online and I am so sorry for not uploading for some time I have no energy for it as my school is giving us tons of homework and it gives me stress for not uploading for you guys who are reading this so thank you so much guys who are reading this. Anyways speaking about taking a lot of time to upload chapters I promise that during the holidays I will upload consistently as my 1 week break is coming up in February but my birthday is also in the 1 week holiday so I will try to upload a lot during the holidays. Thank you so much again whoever is reading this <333.)

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