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~Evelyn's Pov~

"Whatever I am not in love with him!" I said trying to refuse the fact that I would ever be in a relationship with him.

"Keep trying to deny it Ev! The more you push yourself away from him, the more you fall in love with him!" Nella said whilst patting my shoulder and then she left the room.

~After everyone except one person meets Evelyn~

This was the moment I dreaded. The person who could walk through the door any moment anymore. I did not want to see him at all. But my actions could affect the whole group leading to a fall out. I should probably stay relaxed.

There he was. He looked worried, confused, sympathetic, shocked and scared all at the same time. He slowly walked closer to me and sat on the edge of the bed and I turned my head away from him. I didn't even want to talk to him.

"I'm sorry Ev..." He said quietly knowing it was his fault.

"Why couldn't you call me? Just once Niko." I said questioning him.

"Look when you called me I was training with the others but then Sharky got hurt that's why he was allowed to sit out and then he saw your missed calls on my phone and then decided to call you to check up on you. And then when I went to call you back Liza kept on spam messaging me and calling me and I tried blocking her number but then she was using her account on different platforms to start messaging me again. If I knew it was you I would've called you back. I hope you can forgive me Ev..." Niko said before putting his hand over mine. I knew I overreacted and should've just waited for him to come home and then question him about it.

"I'm sorry I didn't wait at home for you." I said looking back at Niko who already had tears in his eyes.

"No no no it's my fault and I admit it. I should've been a good friend and should've called you back to let you know what was happening." He said but then the door flew open and it was Aj.

"Come on lovebirds the doctor says that Evelyn can come home." Aj says whilst smirking at the sight of Niko and me.

"Oh shut up you rat!" Niko said to him whilst helping me get up from the bed and he then picked up my belongings.

"Yeah yeah giraffe!" Aj said to Niko and he then ran.

"Omg what's wrong with this dude. You should've seen the way he annoyed me at training. Once we get home I'm going to attack that boy." He said whilst I chuckled.

"Well let's get to the car now!" I said just wanting to get home as soon as possible.

"Alright then c'mon let's go!" Niko said.

On our way to the car Niko told me about everything that happens between Beta squad and Amp squad and how they were all excited for the match to happen. I just smiled listening to how happy he was. He was always happy to help out people and do whatever it took to help them. So when I heard about the charity match. I knew he was going bitty his best at doing whatever it took just to help those in the other parts of the world.

The car I was in was with: Niko, Sharky, Rose, Aj and me in it,

Meaning the rest were in the other 6 seater car. The whole car ride went smoothly and we did make small chat and Niko then put one of his hands on my thighs and I started to blush so i looked out the window.

He meant this as friends right? Or was this something to indicate something else. If nikos trying to show me signs I'd gladly accept it. I mean I feel like I've fell for him a lot so far.

~Niko's Pov~

I feel guilty. You know I am like kind of the main reason why Evelyn got into a car accident in the first place. Like she was just trying to look out for me and I decided to become a bad friend by just focusing on my training. I hope she isn't to mad at me.

Also I don't know how to explain the Liza situation to her. I mean like she is trying to get back into contact with me. And if I do let her get back into contact with me. It means she will just try breaks my heart again. And I can't let anyone do that again to me. She left me so heartbroken that I didn't speak to any of my friends for days on end.

I even thought bad about Evelyn when I first met her. I was such a fool to believe my girlfriend's words and to be wrapped around her finger. I still remember the day I saw the text messages on her phone. Can't believe I was such a stupid fool. I guess I need to find a lovely girl then.


(Y'all I know you're reading my books but then you guys aren't leaving opinions on here or like comments. It would be lovely if you guys comment and share your opinions or like give me recommendations for what you guys want in the future chapters. Also you guys there was an athletes book for Niko which I think either got deleted or either taken down but guys I want to make a book similar to it since I've already planned it out. So hopefully you guys can enjoy it whenever it comes out. Also you guys be excited for the summer holiday. Because your girl over here in England will be pulling all nighters to write you guys more chapters. Anyways sometimes I write my chapters at home but mostly I write them when I'm waiting outside my school gates. Love you guys so much and thanks for the 1k+ reads. Don't forget to comment 😍😍)

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