chapter 5

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Darkness, Everywhere was darkness. It was 11.5am but whole sky was covered with black clouds as if it was night while the only house in wood was on fire. The person inside is no longer in consciousness. And no one to help in middle of wood. It was like a miracle that suddenly there was  heavy rain.

Rainwater was enough to die out the fire but....was it enough for someone who is almost surrounded by fire of revenge?...maybe not.

A girl who was now left alone in middle of wood, in half burn house, unconscious. How will she react when she will found out that she is alone now?

White car, which was racing with full speed towards their destination which was not other then half burn house which was showing burn mark of fire. Two young man got down from car. They hurriedly got into house without caring that their clothes are getting wet.

"Lock!! Front door is lock!! " One who was looking like he will break that door anytime said without looking at other one, who was almost as clam as water 
"Don't worry raj, she will be fine-- " There was lound noise of breaking something, it was door.

"Rin.I'm going to search at upper floor, can you please look on ground floor? " Raj asked Rin in worried tone as he was making his way to upper floor.
"Ok. But--" He was no longer there, it was only Rin now. "Ahh that raj why he is so impatient? " He left hall and entered kitchen to his surprise there was not a single thing burn there he took some photos there .
He made his way to other room making sure to take photo and he finally find the thing which they both had came for. He run to the person who's hand was  burn but thankfully it was not looking serious. He turn around the person he checked if she was having any serious injuries but he only found  that hand injury.

"Rin! Rin?! " There came shout from raj
"Raj I'm at back side please came here!" He shouted back as lound he can.
Soon there came lound footsteps followed by worried voice.
"Is she ok? " Raj asked, as he saw the person who Rin was holding.
"I think so, but we need to show her to docter " Said Rin who was now lefting the person carefull outside .
"I will drive us to head first, there I will give all those report and u take her to doctor ok? " Said Raj who sit in car at driver seat.
"No, first let's take her to doctor and then report " Said Rin
"Fine bro, but are we going to luck? "
"Of course! he is my childhood friend after all, and best doctor too" Said Rin in proud tone.
"Rin, did you find it werid that personly head told us to bring her and also to look after her? ”
" Yeah something is not right "said Rin who's face was clearly showing that he was distribute
" What something? Everything is wrong. First head went to talk to her family, after that burning incident and family members are missing, also their phone are switch off " Said Raj who was annoyed by new incident which are taking place back to back.
"Yeah, for now focus on driving car " Said Rin who  closed his eyes and was thinking about all incidents

After 30 minute of driving they were infront of hospital.

Rin immediately got down from car lefting the person body which was looking like he was carry dead body but it wasn't, it was true that person has lost all hope for living but her breath were still there, her heart was still beating for whom? No one knows.
Rin was followed by Raj.

Luck who was wearing white coat looking just like doctor which he is. Luck spot his friend immediately who was coming toward him with a girl body? Luck showed him a room. Rin explain his situation to Dr luck and he started checking her.
Rin and Raj both were sitting together outside waiting for some news and condition about the person they were told to look after but soon they were distributed by Raj's phone ring. He took out his phone to answer but his eyes widened as he saw who had called him. He showed his phone to Rin who also immediately got shocked after seeing who had call Raj.
The phone call was showing the name of..............

The phone screen showed the contact saved as 'head' is calling Raj which was unexpected. They never thought that head himself will call them. In shock they even forgot to recive the call but they immediately came back to reality and answer it. They both went somewhere they will be alone and answer it. Rin told him to put the call on speaker and he did.
"Raj, did you find her? Is she ok? " Deep voice from other side asked Raj. It was almost impossible to tell if that deep voice had any emotion or not but not until next sentance
"Raj? Are you there is she ok? Did you find her? How is she? Should I came there? " Those was another shock from them. Head was personally asking to came there they both look at themselves finding totally hard to believe what they have heard.
"Raj? Raj?? "
"Ye-yes sir, I'm sorry sir I was having network problem.--" He was cut out by the other voice on phone
"I said did you find her? Did you find selvina?  Is she ok? "
" Yes sir we found her and she is unconscious right now we had came to doctor to check her up"
"Good! I have other work for u both came back at head company and give report, I will send others there for her " Came the answer from other side.
Call was ended.
Both Raj and Rin immediately sit on chair around them as if they had talk with ghost.
They both know something is going wrong and this head is after the girl but why her only? Is he has some relationship or something else is there?
" Rin I think we should leave now we have to personally have to meet head " Said Raj but he did get reply he look at Rin who was looking totally lost in river of his thoughts.
"Rin? Rin? "
"Huh? " Said Rin who just now came back to reality.
"We have to go "
"Where? " Asked puzzle Rin
"To your girlfriend's house" Said Raj who was too annoyed with Rin.
" Yeah! I don't have girlfriend "
They both left hospital and got into their car and they got call again but this time it was from unknown number. Rin answer it
"Why did you save her? --" Said the voice which was manly but as cold as ice
"Who? " Rin was about to asked but call get cut.
"What happen? " Asked Raj
"Someone call me and asked why did I save her"
They both look at each other they both know this is not some coincident or something.
Why would someone call them and asked why thay save someone  right after saving someone? Who was he? Is he has some connection with her or with them?

Thankyou for reading the story......
I hope you'll liked it .It will be continued in next chapter

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