chapter 6

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It wasn't sunning afternoon, their were still black clouds roaming here and there in sky. Rain had completely stoped. It is said that rain wash away all the pain and sorrow in deep true.

Rin and Raj both were respected by everyone in their office and outside office for their work. One work which world knows -writing articles, and other which only few people know - handling cases. They have both pen as well as guns in their hands, pen to show the harsh reality and gun to put end to these harsh reality.
"Bro! Are we really going to meet head? Like it's literally first time meeting him, what should we do? " Asked Raj, excitement as well as fear was clearly can be hear in his voice. While Rin was just sitting next to him driving his car.
"Cool down, it's not like we will get kill it just he want to talk with us, nothing else just chill" Said Rin who was clam as cucumber.
"Yeah! I don't know why but I feel like something is going to happen, don't you feel the same? " Aked Raj.
"Humm..... But I'm thinking how was the person who called me, why would someone asked me that and how did he got to know about that? " Aked Rin who was too tried to slove this puzzle
" I think let just give your phone to hacker he will find out " Said Raj who was ready to sleep in their car
After some minutes they were finally infront of there office. They entered it and straight a way want for the other part of office where only few people are allowed. It was their secret place where they are assit their cases.
They were guided to head office. There was "came in" Voice from inside but when they entered there was nothing like what they were expecting. All things are arrange clen and nicely, room was giving bright vides instead dark vides. They look at the person sitting on chair which was their boss 'head', but the question was why was he wearing mark?
Rin's and Raj's excitement and fear of meeting head turn into confusion.
Why would their boss know as 'head' is  hiding his face?

Thankyou for reading ....
I hope you'll liked it...
It will be continued in next chapter.....

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