(The following morning)
In summary,Aelin was to surrender the Wyrd key she had to the collared fae warriors who would then give it to Erawan or the Valg infested fae would engage.Of course everyone was in battle right now,Aedion shouting words of encouragement as the silent assassins fought hard against the adversary.Manon and Aelin were discovering Elena's secrets together and the whole ordeal had been chaotic.Very chaotic.

Aelin's heart was in pieces,she was nothing but a pig raised for slaughter,that's what she was,that's what it meant to be the queen who was promised,she would have to sacrifice herself to seal the Wyrdgate and stop the Valg from ever reaching them ever again.This past decade had been Elena's mercy to her,this arduous life as an assassin was just a short-lived gift.Everything she had with Rowan was nothing but burrowed time and...

And she wished she had more of it.

The queen was currently with Manon,Elide and Lorcan while everyone was battling the Valg,they were all wondering what to do when they were suddenly surrounded by multiple colllared fae warriors.A malevolent laughter was heard by the four before the king of darkness showed himself. "Hello Aelin" even his voice sounded like darkness,but something else was wrong,if Erawan knew anything about Neon's disappearance then the worst case scenario regarding him would have truly gone into effect.
"Where's Neon?" Aelin demanded,a rare moment when she wouldn't express her arrogance or use her swaggering tone.

"The Lycan?,oh don't worry I haven't collared him yet,I want him and his female to break first."
It wasn't a direct answer but it must of meant that Neon and his mysterious friend were being held captive at Morath if Erawan had the power to place a Valg collar on him,but what did he mean break? Oh gods,he's torturing them,someone who was younger than her was being tortured in Morath by monsters of legend.Lorcan who was fast enough to also get the message growled in outrage and lunged at Erawan but was blasted back by a wall of darkness.The Valg king then knocked Aelin on the ground with another dark blast as Elide rushed towards Lorcan and Manon got her iron nails ready,agitating the Fae warriors around her.

Aelin didn't stand much of a chance,not with her power depleted,even with her pyrokinesis,Erawan was formidable enough."Lorcan please get up,don't let him do this,not now" Elide begged to Lorcan who was staggering to his feet.He was about to try and attack Erawan again but was swarmed by Valg reeking fae.Manon pulled Elide out of the way and lunged at the assailants,taking them down with Lorcan's help.While the little skirmish between Lorcan and Manon transpired,Erawan had a hold on Aelin and was mercilessly choking her,Aelin employing every hand to hand technique from her life time of training but to no avail.

After the Demi-fae and witch had made quick work of their enemies,they manoeuvred towards Erawan who held the queen of Terrassen in front of them.Lorcan halted,he took more regard for Aelin considering that his mate cared a great deal for her."So this is who you left the dark fae queen for" Erawan taunted "This is who you now serve,this is who you rally behind to wage a war against me? Pathetic" Erawan spat on the floor and continued,"mmmhhh yes I can sense the power within you Aelin,your wildfire is invaluable,you,the Lycan and that fae healer will look beautiful in my colla-AARGHH".

Erawan was suddenly viciously tackled in the sandy ground by Fenrys and pinned down as Lorcan raised his sword,ready to behead the bastard but Erawan was quick to blast the wolf off him and burst to his feet,narrowly evading the plunging blow that would have surely decapitated him.Manon charged forward only to be kicked hard in the stomach as Erawan swiftly whirled around to throw Fenrys further across the beach before he could get behind him.

Aelin clambered onto her feet,catching her breath,he could sense that Rowan,Aedion,Ansel and Lysandra were quickly making their way towards the group right now,the battle had been cut unexpectedly short when Manon's thirteen had shown up and Erawan wasn't willing to risk taking them all on.Darkness suddenly exploded out off him with unmatched ferocity,stunning everyone around him as he booked it,the fact that he had ran away like a coward empty handed was a massive blow to his ego but he would recover,especially with fresh Valg collars waiting for his captives.

Even though he made it clear that he wanted to see Neon and Miranda break before infesting them with his princes,their capabilities were far to supreme to simply wait on so once Erawan returned to his lair of darkness,well let's just say the world would be introduced to a brand new Neon Riding...

"What happened?" Rowan blurted out,rushing to Aelin to see if she was injured "Are you hurt?" He asked,the concert prominent in those green eyes."I'm fine" Aelin panted,still shaken up from her encounter with the Valg king.Fenrys emerged from the distance after catching his breath from the blasts Erawan had unleashed at him."He has Neon" It was Elide who spoke,she had listened to the exchange despite keeping a safe distance."Shit" Aedion swore,he had just arrived with Rowan and was also wondering what the hell just happened.

"We need to rescue him and that Fae" Lorcan said in that commander's tone,"we aren't doing anything until the boy is safe".Lorcan may have been a hard-ass but he knew that the Lycan had fought and endured far more than a teenager or anyone for that matter should and the sight of him crying and throwing up at the guilt of what he had done that might when Maeve revealed the truth still haunted his heart."We can't just infiltrate Morath" This time it was Ansel who also just showed up."The monsters that he breeds there are things straight from legend,we need will need take serious precautions if we wish to rescue your friend".

"Elide,you lived in Morath,you ought to know all about their defenses and layout." Fenrys spoke to Elide,Lorcan and Elide had told him her story and they all knew Elide would be of great assistance getting into Morath."I will do my best to help with any planning" Elide promised,when she found her queen and court,she had expected to be the one to clean everyone's dishes and clothes but instead she was going to be a massive component,essentially the mastermind of a hostage rescue from the most horrifying lair in existence.

She had never been more honored in her life.

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