Miranda couldn't help but shudder at the demonic tone her friend at alternated to once that bastard Valg prince had consumed him once again but she wouldn't back down, she wouldn't allow anyone to hurt him as long as she had something to say about it because she sat and watched the poor boy suffer for years at the hands of that tyrant and was forced to simply endure the heartache and even though she was the closest thing to the bitch who pretty much took Neon's life away, he still fought for her, still got tortured for her, a debt Miranda would never be able to  pay off but she would certainly die trying.

So Miranda continued to walk towards Neon without any real plan but to restrain her friend and bring him to that Yrene Towers she had met during their time in Anielle and purge the darkness that threatened to to devour the Lycan, that's if Miranda's own healing powers didn't work on him.Neon broke into a sprint towards the fae healer, sending a blast of darkness behind him, sending Aelin into oblivion and let a fire ball fly at blinding speeds towards the fae was also running and ducked down, thrusting out her hand and letting her light permeate the air.Neon banked backwards and barrel rolled to the side and hurled a lightning bolt at Miranda's chest.

The collision was clean and had sent the female soaring backwards but before she landed on the ground, she shifted into her owl form and bolted towards Neon who was now hurling balls of ice and missing due to Miranda's fae reflexes.Before she could plunge herself into the possessed Lycan, Neon conjured a wall of darkness between the two and Miranda was flying to fast to pull back and ended up crashing into it and shifted back to her fae form as she plummeted to the ground and rolled away, narrowly avoiding her face and torso being split in half by Neon's sword.

Miranda sprung to her feet and ducked to the side when Neon thrust his blade forward and raised her sword up to meet with another furious blow sending the healer tumbling back but right as the Lycan was about to gut her, he suddenly halted and grabbed his own arm.Miranda immediately understood what was happening and didn't waste her breath encouraging Neon, instead she send a wave of her healing magic into Neon causing the Valg prince to emit this ear-splitting shriek through Neon's mouth allowing Miranda to lunge forwards and slam the hilt of her sword into Neon's forehead, knocking him into the ground.

Miranda tried to send more of her healing magic into Neon but was forced to barrel roll to the side when he sent a burst of flame surging towards her.He leap to his feet and swung his sword upwards, forming a deep gash in Miranda's abdomen, then he slammed the blade downwards, the female was able to shift enough to prevent herself from losing her arm but still sustained a nasty cut on her shoulder."STOP IT" Neon roared at the cackling Valg prince, he completely shattered when he headed the healer's screams of pain sound out through the air.

Miranda back-flipped away, still reeling from her wounds and suddenly dashed forward, slicing at Neon's leg only to behold Neon perfectly replicate her manoeuvre and feel the immense again of her shin being slit open."Just face it you foolish girl, you can't save me , none of you can, THEY did this to me and you just let it happen,I hate you,I HATE YOU" the Valg prince taunted her, choosing his words carefully to make sure they really hit home.

Even when it split her heart into two, Miranda told herself that it was the Valg speaking not Neon and even if the Lycan did mean those hurtful words then it wouldn't matter, Miranda would fight tooth and nail to save him all the same."I know that's not Neon" she growled, using her healing magic to repair the cuts and thrusting her foot at Neon's abdomen only for him to grab onto it."You just sat there and
Watched as Maeve destroyed my soul, stripping me of my sentience and turning me into a weapon and then you let Erawan torture me relentlessly and did absolutely nothing, do you know how painful that was? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURT?"
Miranda fought hard against the tears that threatened to burst from her eyes "I'm sorry" was all she could whisper.

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