The Fae guards who rushed to the glade,were shocked to find 9 dead bodies of their comrades,but no perpetrator in site as Neon had already started sprinting for the tents,immediately being spotted by the rows of archers on both sides.

Dozens of arrows were instantly rocketing in his direction yet even with their,superhuman coordination and dexterity,even with their centuries of training,Neon effortlessly dodged all of them none finding their mark.The hordes of warriors that were waiting at the tents were blind-sided at the sheer speed of the lone-wolf as he began cutting swatches before anyone could even pin point where he was.

It was pitiful really,they stood no chance,Neon was ducking,twirling and spinning so swiftly,he was hardly anything more than a blur.One moment he was there and the next he wasn't,One moment he was behind someone and the next he was metres from there.Blood was splaying everywhere and soldiers were screaming for help at the top of their lungs.At some point,Neon leapt in the midst of some huddled together guards who had their backs to each other to try and catch this bastard.3 of them were down before the group was even able to react,making sure he was surrounded on all sides,they began slashing and cutting as fast as they could yet Neon's reflexes were simply otherworldly,you might have even mistaken him for a god as every strike only collided with air or an unfortunate comrade.It was over in seconds,nothing but a pile of decapitated carcasses of Neon's enemies as he charged towards the positions of the archers.Jumping on top of a tall branch and kicking him of the tree whilst simultaneously grabbing his bow and quiver,and hopping from tree to tree,wooden platform to wooden platform,arrows finding their home in points that should have been impossible for the speeds and angles he was reaching.When the base was clear and the only living thing left was him,he moved to the midst of an island and pulled out a vial from his pouch.He than began pouring and mixing various chemicals into the vial until a loud crackling was heard.He swiftly corked the vial and made a bee-like for his boat as fast as lightning.The fizzing chemicals that were fighting to get out eventually created a massive explosion that Neon was miles  away from as the Fae-base was reduced to ash being carried away on the wind.

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