Six Valg lay dead all around him with their throats torn out. Lycaon couldn't tell if they were winning or losing the skirmish but most of that manor had been blown to hell and some of the Lycans that the wolf prince had seen in that room now lay limp and lifeless in the distance. It had been hours and dusk was beginning to fall upon them. He could hear feminine war cries from a short distance, Cerise must have still been alive then, without warning, multiple Valg came charging at Lycaon from behind but were swiftly blasted away by his unmatched power. He battled his towards where the Lycans were until he fought side by side with Cerise. "Was this your doing?" She demanded, it didn't really sound like a question but more of a statement. "Of course not!" The lost werewolf prince hollered as he decapitated a rather brutish Valg, why did this have to happen now? There's no way that they'll believe that the Valg suddenly finding them the same time the strange Lycan paid them a visit was a coincidence.

"I had nothing to do with this" it wasn't much but it was all the young prince had to offer "I'll do anything you desire to prove it but I'm telling you, I did not orchestrate the attack. They dispatched the last of the demons and the survivors suddenly surrounded the Lycan. "Don't buy his bullshit for a second" one growled clearly looking for his weak spots. "He brought expendable Valg here to kill them and win our trust so Erawan can have a scout in the inside" Cerise didn't seem to acknowledge the speculation and continued to address Lycaon "You have seconds to tell us why we shouldn't do away with you" Cerise hissed, voice dripping with venom. Lycaon went into defensive stance at the tone, probably not the smartest thing to do but he had spent enough time here to figure out that Cerise would more than likely make for a dangerous opponent. "HALT" she yelled at a Lycan who had just lunged for him, of course he found himself on his back a split second later.

"I could have easily done away with all of you if I so wanted it" he hissed, irritation coating his voice, "you think I'm helping the bastards who destroyed my family? I'm no more an agent of the Valg than you are"
"I remain sceptical" she said in a surprisingly low voice. "However, if you truly desire to prove you are trustworthy then do some errands for me, we have enemies all over the continent but wear this iron ring" she produced a silver band that glimmered in the moonlight "I don't want you to have access to your magic so you don't try communicating with any of your potential 'unsavoury' allies and its enchanted to alert me if you take it off so no funny business".

Lycaon briefly sniffed at the band to make sure they weren't trying to enchant him with anything undesirable and when his potent Lycan  senses didn't detect anything peculiar, he slipped it on, the metal cool around his ring finger. "I can't be your errand boy for too long, there's a Lycan army that I must raise" he protested.
"In retrospect of seeing you fight, it shouldn't take you too long to wipe my enemies territories of the map and none of their lands are too far from here, if your as quick as you were today then it will take a month tops". The Lycan on the floor got up hissing profanities at Lycaon who didn't so much as heed his coarse language or even give a shit about his existence. "Other Lycan settlements are posted nearby as well, if you're lucky then you might run into them and snare their hearts" Cerise told him waving off her subordinates. "But for now we must gather our supplies and camp out in the woods, this manor is useless"

She scowled at the destruction the Valg left in their wake before aiming for it. Lycaon could distinctly hear the other wolves in their humanoid forms chattering and expressing their persistent distrust in the stranger but he didn't pay attention to them, not when he was about to win their loyalty anyway.

He had to.

It had taken the rest of the next day to find a secluded area where nothing would try to kill them for at least a while and everyone was in a pissy mood from sleep deprivation. They had plenty of tents which fortunately meant Lycaon could have his own, Cerise had still not given him any information about the tasks she wanted him to do so the Prince spent a few hours mapping out his surroundings and memorising them for whenever he needed to come back here.

Once he was done, he sat away from the Lycan warriors who were either fast asleep or devouring the snacks they were able to bring, the reason he did that was partly due to his naturally introverted personality and partly because he didn't want to here them mourning about the friends they had lost during the skirmish, the Valg had somehow tracked him down without him realising so it was his fault for any causalities that had occurred that day and perhaps it was cowardly but Lycaon just couldn't face them.

"Sulking helps no one and nothing" Cerise spoke, plopping down next to him. Lycaon sighed and said "I'm sorry for your home and your friends" for he could see the pain in her eyes and sense the grief that permeated her even though she clearly tried to hide it for the sake of her warriors' morale. "They exist in the past" she replied in a hauntingly casual tone "dwelling on their deaths will only interfere with your mission". She was clearly a female who had faced a lot, even for a creature from a destroyed realm.

So eager to finally leave this lazily set up camp site in its dilapidation, he dropped the subject and asked with his chin high "who's the first target?"

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