Once upon a time,there was a boy who watched everything he loved burn-Neon repeated to himself the story,his story, he told it to himself over and over again and no matter how dark it was, no matter how tragic, it would always be a part of him and Neon would use it to remind himself of who he was and who he had been as the Valg prince fought to purge his sentience with its utmost malice.Erawan stood before him,the embodiment of evil beaming with unparalleled insanity not seeming to care that his other captives had escaped and that Morath had just been blown up again.

"Tell me of prince Lycaon"

"Prince Lycaon has been dead for over twelve years"

Erawan had to admit,he was impressed,he knew Neon was strong but to resist the telepathic command of one of his princes.He clearly had a lot of work to do with the boy.Once upon a time there was a boy who watched everything he loved burn-
"When will you realise that you can't win? I have conquered more worlds than the drops of blood in your body and this time will be no different" Erawan spoke to him in this tone that sounded like he was lecturing him.

"Even you break Neon Riding"

Once upon a time there was a boy who watched everything he loved burn-
This wasn't over,Dorian's father had wrestled enough control to order the butchering of all magic wielders to prevent their enslavement.Perhaps he could gain enough control to kill the Valg prince.Or himself.Even if Neon died,Aelin was still here with her court and Miranda was safe, because of Neon's sacrifice, Terrassen still had a chance to throw Erawan back to where he came from and form that better world which they all deserved.
It wasn't over.
It wasn't over.

Rowan couldn't help but feel rather amused at the site of the gentle Elide Lochan going ballistic when she learned that they weren't able to get the boy out of there.The thought of someone younger than she was being taken away by those freaks had made her stomach churn and the fact that her queen or her mate didn't prevent it filled her with immense disappointment and anger.The whole reason she had joined this cause int the first place was to prevent people from going through what she endured this past decade at Morath and seeing that Aelin had pretty much just spat on that purpose,she wondered just for an infuriated moment if she truly was nothing but a cynical,narcissistic assassin.

"We had no choice Elide" Fenrys panted still winded from the events that had just transpired a few minutes ago.The lady bit her tongue to stop her self from saying something horrible and looked towards Lorcan who had shame written all over his face and an unconscious female slung over his shoulder.During their rush towards the exits before everything went to hell,the team had  understood that the female's name was Miranda but still had so many questions.She had passed out when Lorcan carried her away from the chaos.

"Her name is Miranda" Aelin clarified sensing the incoming question."she used some powerful healing magic on Rowan,Lorcan and Fenrys so I think she's a healer but she didn't really make anything about herself clear to us.Before anyone else spoke,Miranda jerked awake and practically leapt of Lorcan's shoulder and started to growl at everyone.
She lunged at Aelin but was held back by Rowan who snarled at her "We just saved your life,think about who you strike" Miranda shoved Rowan off her and whirled around,driving her head into his face impressively knocking him on the ground.

Aelin lividly drew her sword,she didn't care what this fae had endured alongside Neon,no one touched her husband and got away with it but before she could swing at her,Lorcan jumped in between the females whilst  Fenrys jumped in between Rowan and Miranda as the fae prince got back onto his feet,the intent to flay her alive was decorated all over his bleeding features and he did nothing to hide it in the slightest.

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