The rehearsal of what had just Happened to Neon could wait but right now they still had to deal with Erawan, yes Erawan, that other problem that Neon had desperately tried to force down but he knew he wouldn't be able to ignore it for much longer... the king of darkness was currently locked into battle with Dorian, Yrene and Elide, the trio's efforts proving futile against the powerful foe. They were all long the top of a tower behind the gates and Erawan was getting dangerously close to annihilating all of them when he spied the bastards he had left on the outskirts of Terrassen charging towards them.

"I promise Miranda, I will explain everything but first I need to deal with Erawan" Neon had snapped at Miranda when she wouldnt lay off about the whole ordeal that just transpired."What do you mean, YOU need to deal with him?" Aelin inquired, frowning at the Lycan who dint look at any of them, just stared ahead at the Valg king who was now sending blasts of dark magic whenever he could towards them whilst battling the healer, lady and king.

"I need to confront him personally"  Neon replied giving Miranda a death stare when he saw the objection in her eyes."There is absolutely no way your fighting him on your own" Lorcan snarled, keeping close to Neon but the boy just shook his head, "I can take care of myself-"
"This isn't about that " Aelin snapped rolling her eyes, "we're in this together whether you like it or not"
Knowing arguing with them would only serve to be an exercise in futility, Neon suddenly shifted into a falcon and was hovering and was soaring above them within moments, of course Rowan and Miranda were instantly in their Aerial forms chasing after him now knowing that's exactly what he wanted...

Elide, Yrene and Dorian were laying in heaps around him, the Valg king rallying his power to finish them off "I'm going to obliterate that child of yours Yrene" he hissed sibilantly as he fired a dark bolt at the healer but was suddenly parried by a wall of darkness that was conjured out of nowhere."I should have anticipated this" Erawan snarled turning to Neon who had flames dancing around his hands. "Foolish boy" Maeve sighed from next to him " do you really think you stand a chance against my brother in law? Pathetic" . Rowan and Miranda landed behind him and shifted, drawing their swords, Aelin was on Fenrys' wolf back and was riding him alongside Lorcan in his tiger form, growing ever more closer to where they were."Now here I thought it would be Aelin Galathynius who would incinerate me" Erawan chuckled as if anything about this was humorous" 
"Oh this isn't for you" Neon told him with a condescending tone just to insult him "This is for them" Neon suddenly whirled around and conjured a ball of fire around Miranda and Rowan, he then did the same to Dorian, Elide and Yrene.

"I underestimated you" Erawan murmured getting into position as Rowan and Miranda were desperately hacking at the flaming barrier that held them and Dorian was desperately using his raw magic to tried and extinguish his own cage of non-burning light."This is between you and me you sick bastard" Neon viscously growled at him, his voice laced with venom. "Why must this be so personal?" Erawan asked, wondering what specific horrors his actions had put the boy through, it didn't seem like all this was coming from the torture he subjected him to a few months back, no there must have been something else.

Aelin, Fenrys and Lorcan had arrived now but a transparent wall of ice suddenly appeared before them and wouldn't crumble no matter how hard Aelin struck it or how vigorously Lorcan and Fenrys chomped down on the frosty seal. "Now what is it that could have warranted such a deep hatred for me Neon, save for the torture I put you through of course" Erawan smirked at the memory and the sight only increased Neon's blinding rage.The Lycan closed his eyes as his brain once again took him back over twelve years ago.


"Don't you ever get bored of drawing stick figures?" Naware groaned laying on his back on the carpet with his arms spread out and his long golden heard pooling behind his head."It's the only thing I know how to dwaw" four year old Neon pouted when his friend didn't appreciate his efforts. Naware was the same age as him and had been his only close friend for the past year now apart from Rosie of course.Naware had came over for a sleep over with Neon and they were supposed to have been in bed for a while now but Neon just couldn't nod off so he begged Naware to come down and play with him in secret.As Neon was finishing up his terrible drawing, he thought to himself about the peculiar boy he had befriended, he had never met his parents, in fact he showed up outside their door by himself but that wasn't it.

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