Amethyst vs Jasper

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The actual fuck? Sounds like there's some shit going on in the woods. Wonder what's up....

(The woods)

"Goddamn! Bitch, what the fuck does your oversized ass eat?!? That shit hurts!!!" Amethyst exclaimed as Jasper was beating her know, as usual whenever she's dumb enough to try and fight her knowing this is exactly what will happen if she does.....

"Would you shut the Hell up, you goddamn Narrator asshole?!?" Amethyst snapped as I flipped her off.

"It ain't like he's wrong. Your little ass don't have shit on me. I know it, the narrator knows it...and Steven knows it too." Jasper said with a smirk.

"Bitch, what did you say?!?" Amethyst snapped.

"You asked me what I eat? Well that's none of your damn business what gives me a body like this but I do know what Steven was eating last night~" Jasper said with a smirk.

"Bitch you.....GAHHHHH!" Amethyst yelled as she charged at Jasper only for her to stop her dead in her tracks with one hand and throw her into a nearby tree.

"You done yet? I just got a text from Steven. He and I will be busy next weekend. Or should I say getting busy?" Jasper said with a laugh.

"Why would he want to fuck a Demon Queen like you?!?" Amethyst snapped.

"After next weekend, he'll turn me into the "Semen Queen" with how much I'll make him pump into me." Jasper said as she walked away, leaving Amethyst pissed off.

Can you really blame her after that ass whooping? Seriously, she knows she ain't.....

"SHUT UP, DAMN YOU!!!" Amethyst snaps at me as she stomps back home to her trash filled room.

(Puts on sunshades)






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