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(Sander's Pov)

I'm finally being released from the hospital after being observed overnight and right now I'm sitting in the lobby with Eric clutching at the sonogram of our baby my ears twitching a little from happiness. We're waiting for Sangyeon to come pick us up and take us home where the guys are watching Harry. Once Sangyeon arrives we get in the car buckling up while Sangyeon gives me a worried look. "How are you feeling?" I immediately give him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine hyung thank you for asking." He gives a little nod before asking worriedly. "Why exactly did you pass out?" I look at Eric with a smile before looking back at Sangyeon. "Well I've been nauseous a lot lately and it turns out that I'm pregnant." He looks back at me for a second a little wide eyed before he focuses back on driving. "Wow okay. Eric you really need to talk to the manager about the whole marriage and kids deal." I frown looking at my husband. "You mean they don't know anything yet?" He gives me a slight sheepish look. "No I haven't exactly told him anything yet." I frown a little. "Eric you should've told him." He gives me a reassuring look. "I'll talk to him about it as soon as I can don't stress about it jagi." I sigh but give a little nod. "Alright." He smiles and kisses my hand lovingly making me blush. Soon we reach our apartment after stopping to get my prescription for nausea from the pharmacy. I carefully get out of the car and head inside with Eric and Sangyeon I immediately feeling my legs being tackled by a small figure I seeing Harry who looks up at me worriedly struggling but manages to say the words "daddy okay?" I smile softly and gently scoop him up into my arms. "I'm fine sweetie I promise." He clings onto me I cuddling him before turning to the others who are also giving me worried looks. "I'm fine guys. I passed out from low blood  sugar due to morning sickness." They all seem to freeze as it registers through them before they all start trying to speak at once I chuckling as Eric gets them to shut up. "So you're pregnant?" I nod at Changmin's question. "Yep. A few weeks." They all look at each other before looking at Eric. "You're going to have to tell the manager as soon as possible." Eric sighs but nods. "I know I set up a meeting to talk to him tomorrow." I frown slightly when suddenly Harry gently tugs on my shirt I looking at him as he signs asking what pregnant means. I smile softly before explaining. "Well sweetie appa and I are going to have a baby. You're going to be a big brother." He frowns a little before signing hesitantly asking if we'll still love him I immediately hugging him and say reassuringly. "Of course we'll still love you sweetheart. We will always love you no matter what." He seems to look over at Eric who smiles at him. "Yeah you'll always be our little man and we'll always be here for you." He seems to relax at that and gives a little smile we both smiling back at him. I then start feeling a little tired the other guys seeming to notice because they start heading out after wishing us goodbye I thanking them for watching Harry and once they all leave I look at Eric tiredly his expression softening and he gently takes Harry. "Go lay down I'll watch little man and take care of dinner." I smile and kiss his cheek lovingly before I head to mine and Eric's room laying down and immediately fall asleep.

*next day*

(Eric's Pov)

Waking up early the next morning I carefully get out of bed without waking Sander. I then quickly get dressed leaving a note on the nightstand telling him where I'm going before I leave heading for the company and managers office. I gently knock on the door and wait to hear a "come in" before opening the door and enter closing the door behind me before I bow to the manager politely he motioning for me to sit down. "You wanted to talk to me?" I take a seat nodding feeling nervous. "Yeah I uh I wanted to discuss my time off from my knee injury." He looks at me curiously. "What about it?" I shift a little before launching into an explanation of Harry and helping him with Sander as well as the decision to get married and adopt the boy the manager just silently listening until I stop talking. "So you're saying that you got married and adopted a kid without consulting me or the company." I give a little nervous nod. "Yes but I love them both hyung. So much. And now Sander is carrying my child so I plan on being there for them no matter what." He stares at me for quite a while before he lets out a little sigh. "Alright fine you can keep married and everything. But you have to ensure this doesn't get out to the press or public. Especially with your new comeback coming so soon." I nod in understanding. "Of course hyung. But do you think you can help me find a trustworthy speech therapist for the boy we adopted? He has problems speaking." He looks curious but nods ensuring me he'll look into it I thanking him before leaving the office with a bow and head to find my members.

Thrill ride (A Eric Sohn x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now