Chapter 2 Everything's terrible!

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Artist: sefarlen
Ambrosius POV:

"I'm sorry... WHAT?!" I yelled, standing up and slamming my hands on the table, making it shake.

My mother was staring at her plate, while my dad tapped the table with his finger. "When we went to look through your grandfather's things, we found papers for an arranged marriage" Dad said. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"We looked into the paper and found out your grandfather married you off to a member of the royal family when you were born." Dad said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was supposed to marry someone I'd never even met!? "Who is it?" I asked. My parents looked at each other before looking at me.

"It's... The crown prince. As soon as you both turn 18, you're going to have to get married." Dad said. I sat back down and ran my hand through my hair. "I-I can't marry this guy! You know I'm in a relationship with Bal! I'm thinking of proposing to him! Plus, if this is true, then I only have a year left until the wedding!" I argued.

"We know, honey. We've contacted the queen, and apparently, she didn't know about this either. It looks like the late king and your grandfather did this in secret." Mom said.

Everything was spinning. I was sweating. This can't be happening. I'm supposed to find someone I love! Someone who makes me happy! Someone like... Bal. "I'm not marrying this man." I said.

My mom hugged me. "The queen has requested that we go to the palace first thing in the morning. We will figure this out. I promise." Mom said before kissing my forehead.

I looked at my plate but knew I wouldn't be able to stomach another bite. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can eat anything." I said before getting up.

"Son." Dad said. I turned around to look at him, and he gave me a sincere look. "We love you." he said. "I love you too." I said, smiling. As soon as I got to my room, the gravity of everything weighed down on me.

I felt sick to my stomach and ran to my bathroom. I guess I was more upset than I thought because my lunch and breakfast came out.

After I finished throwing up, I sat on the floor, thinking about... Everything. What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to just end things with Bal? No. No. NO! I'm not leaving him!

I got up from the floor and went to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and felt... Nothing. I didn't feel anything. I thought I'd feel rage, disgust, or sadness, but I didn't feel anything.

I was just numb. After I brushed my teeth, I looked out the window. It was already dark, and I could see a full moon. Bal would have loved to see the moon from this angle.

I changed into my boxers and lay down on the bed. I turned to the side and saw a photo of me and Bal when we had our first date. It was also our first kiss.

I took the photo off the nightstand and held it to my chest. "I'll find a way to stay with you, Bal. I promise." I said to myself.

I fell asleep with the photo in my arms.

The next morning:

"It's too damn early for this." Dad said, sipping his coffee. "Oh, I'm so sorry it's so inconvenient for you to help me get out of an arranged marriage." I argued.

Dad gave me a look before sitting down. "I'm just saying. I need time to at least finish my coffee." Dad said. "And put your face on." I mumbled, putting my arm on the armrest.

The room was some sort of living room for the royal family. It was very nice but a little over the top in my opinion.

Servants opened the door, and the Queen walked in with her two young daughters. Her oldest daughter was Princess Ameera, who was 14 years old, while her youngest daughter, Mira, who was 9, followed behind. The director walked in behind her with a binder in her hand.

"Your majesty. Director." my parents and I said, bowing. The queen gave us a wave while I saw her youngest hiding behind her, staring at me. I waved my hand at her, and she waved back, giggling.

"It's good to see you all, I just wish it was under better circumstances." the queen said. I looked closer at her, and she looked really tired. I guess she doesn't know why her late husband did this either.

She sat down on the couch across from us while the kids played together. "Your majesty, have you found any way to end this engagement?" Mom asked.

The director gave the queen the file, and she pulled out a paper before sliding it towards us. "As you can see, my husband and Sir Goldenloin's signatures are on here, so this engagement is very much valid." Queen Valerin said.

I could feel my blood run cold at those words. "But there has to be some way to get rid of it! Right?" I stated. The director and the queen looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"I'm sorry, Ambrosius, but there is no way to stop this engagement. The only thing we can do is wait a year after your marriage to get a divorce." the director said.

No! No, No, No, No, No, No, No! I-I can't do this! This can't be happening. "I-I can't do this!" I said.

"Ambrosius." Mom warned. I took a deep breath before looking at the queen. "It's not how I imagined my son getting married either. I haven't even told him about the engagement yet, but there's no way to change it now. In 1 year you will be married." The queen said.

"You're majesty, I'm not trying to be rude but how can I marry a man no one has ever seen before?" I asked.

"I kept my son hidden for several reasons. However, the main reason is that he is an omega." The queen said.

My parents looked surprised for a minute but I didn't care. "As you all know, an omega is hard to come by these days. I was worried that if I let him out, the public people might try to take advantage of him." The queen said.

I... Guess I can understand that. She's just trying to keep her son safe, but that doesn't mean I should be forced to marry him! "If it helps at all you and my son have quite a bit in common so you don't have to worry about disliking him." The queen said. I just hummed to her. She got up and motioned me to her. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked me right in the eye.

"Ambrosius I know that you are a good man so I know that you will treat him right." The queen said.

I looked down and realized I was never gonna marry Bal. "As you wish your majesty." I said. I don't remember much after that. Before I realized we were back at the house, in my room.

I lay on the bed looking at the ceiling. I didn't even realize I had been crying until I heard my phone ring. I didn't even bother looking at who called when I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked. "Hey, Rose. Just wondering if we're still on for our date tonight?" I heard. I recognized that voice all too well. "Yeah, yeah we're still on." I said sniffling.

"Rose, have you been crying?" Bal asked. I wanted to cry so bad at that moment but I had to be strong. "It's-it's nothing. See you tonight?" I asked while wiping tears. "See you tonight." Bal said in a happy voice.

I hung up and realized that I had to end our relationship tonight. I have to break up with Ballister.

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