Chapter 23 Pregnant

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Warning childbirth:
A few weeks later:
Ballister pov:

"Please be positive! Please be positive!" I said slowly opening my eyes. There POSITIVE! All three of them!

I took three pregnancy tests earlier and they were all positive! "I'm-i'm gonna have a baby!" I said.

I started crying a little bit but not out of sadness. Out of pure joy! I hid the pregnancy tests in my pocket and ran out the bathroom.

"Okay. First I need to see the doctor to make sure everything's fine! Then I need to- opf!" I got knocked to the floor before realizing who I ran into.

"Oh! Hey nims!" I said while rubbing my head. "Hey, boss! You okay?" Nimona asked, helping me up. "Yes I'm great but I have to head out!" I said walking away. "Oh, Nimona!" I yelled to her.

"Yeah boss?" Nimona asked. "Invite me and Ambrosius's family to dinner!" I said. "Okay! What's the occasion?" Nimona asked.

"You'll see." I teased before heading to the doctor.

Later that night:

It's... Um... An ostrich! No, a unicorn!" Ameera yelled. We were playing charades and so far I was winning. The doctors said everything was fine and that I'd have a smooth pregnancy as long as nothing traumatic happened.

"Times up! The answer isssss... Horse!" Nimona said before turning into a horse. "Oh, come one!" Ameera said while pouting.

I chuckled a little while laying my head on Ambrosius's shoulder and holding his hand. "You've been extra loving today. What's the occasion?" Ambrosius said before kissing my forehead.

"You'll see." I said while getting up. "Okay, you have one minute! Aaaaand... Go!" Nimona said starting the timer.

I put up two fingers and everyone said two words. I pointed at myself. "You! Your!" Ambrosius said. I pointed at him and nodded my head so everyone knew he was right.

I used my hands to motion that my stomach was bigger when it wasn't yet. "Your fat!" Mira said.

I gave her a look before trying again. This time I used my arms to motion I was holding a baby. "Your... A Baby!" Mom said.

"Close!" I responded. "Your... Your... Pregnant! Your pregnant!... Wait what!?" Nimona yelled.

"Yes! You got it!" I said. Everyone started cheering thinking they won a round until I cleared my throat.

"What? You're not really pregnant." Ambrosius's dad said. "Actually... I am." I said. smiling.

The whole room was silent for a minute. I looked at Ambrosius and I couldn't read his face. "Ambrosius?" I asked. He started walking towards me and I took a step back.

"I thought... You would be happy about- mmp!" I didn't finish my sentence because he kissed me. "I love you so much." He whispered. Suddenly he picked me up and started spinning me around. "I'm gonna be a dad!" Ambrosius yelled.

"I'm gonna be a grandma!" Mum yelled. She kissed my cheek and my sister's ran up to me and hugged me. Ambrosius's parents were hugging him and his mom kissed his cheek. "Once shot one kill, huh son?" Ambrosius's dad commented.

Ambrosius's mom elbowed him in the gut while he rubbed his gut. "What?! That's how we made him!" Ambrosius's dad said. "I didn't need to know that!" Ambrosius said.

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