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A few months later:
Akino Pov:

"Sunshine, I have something to tell you." Baba said. I was waiting for Daddy to come home from work when Baba took me inside.

"What is it?" I asked. "You're gonna be a big sister soon!" Baba said. "Your... Gonna have a baby?" I asked. Baba nodded his head.

"YYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!" I screamed. Baba was laughing while rubbing his belly. "Now we just need to tell your father." Baba said.

"Use this shirt!" Nimona said walking into the room. Baba took the shirt from her and looked at it. "What does it say?" I asked.

"It says 'big sister.' where did you even get this?" Baba asked. "Don't ask questions. Just put on the shirt." Nimona said.

Baba helped me put on the shirt and we heard a carriage pull up. "DADDY!" I yelled. I ran outside the house and Daddy had just gotten out of the carriage.

"Welcome home, daddy!" I said running to him. "Hey, hey, hey sweetheart. How are you doing today?" He asked while picking me up.

"Great! Oh, guess what baba and Nimona gave me today!" I asked. "What did they give you?" Daddy asked while putting me down.

"This new shirt!" I said pointing it out. "Aw cute! 'big sister.' that's- that's..." Daddy stopped talking and looked at Baba who was walking down the stairs.

"Really?" Daddy asked. "Really. Found out earlier today." Baba said smiling. Daddy has a big smile on his face and ran to Baba.

Daddy kissed Baba and I felt left out. "Hey! No fair. I want a kiss too!" I said running to them. They both smiled and picked me up before they both kissed my cheeks.

Ambrosius pov:

After Akino ran inside with Nimona I grabbed Bal and bit his neck. "H~Hey!" He stuttered. I chuckled a little while making sure my scent was on him. "Did you really have to do that?" Bal asked. "Yes. Yes I did." I responded.

"My alpha." Bal said. "My omega." I responded. I paused for a minute before kissing him again. "My mate." I said.

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