Chapter 14 Heat 🍋

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Artist: nayasis4040
Warning sex:
A few weeks later:
Ballister pov:

I've been noticing the signs for a few days. I knew eventually this would happen but I didn't think I'd be so soon. Nothing I do is calming me down. I've masturbated and used a vibrator. Everything I can think of but nothing is working.

On top of that Ambrosius had to leave for a while and I couldn't bother him with something like this. I couldn't stop breathing heavily or stop sweating. suddenly there was a knock on the door making me jump.

"Boss?" I heard. oh, good. It's just nimona. "What is it?" I asked whipping sweat from my forehead. "Dinner's ready, so head to the dining room." She said.

"Nimona you know I can't leave this room." I said. "All the staff have already gone home. Besides you need the fresh air." Nimona said. I reluctantly got off the bed and went to the door.

I kept my head down the whole way to the dining room because the guards were still here. I could feel them staring at me making me want to crawl down a hole.

"Ambrosius?" I asked. He was sitting at the dining table and smiled at me. "Hey, Bal." He responded. I panicked and started walking back to my room.

Ambrosius pov:

What's that smell? It's... Intoxicating. I saw Bal walk in but he was really sweaty and his face was red. "Ambrosius?" He asked. "Hey, Bal." I said. He started panting but suddenly walked out of the room.

"Bal? Bal!" I yelled chasing after him. The door slammed shut making Bal run into it. I got closer and that's when I realized.

The scent was coming from him. "Oh, honey! Why didn't you tell me you're in heat?" I asked stroking his cheek.

"Y~You don't have to help me. I~I'll be fine." He said holding back tears. Oh, this poor sweet man. "Bal, did you really think I'd let you go through your first heat alone? The medicine you take will not work forever. Do you want the medicine to fail one day?" I asked.

He shook his head 'no" and I wiped some tears from his eyes. "I know, I just... I don't want you to feel like your obligated to help me just because your my husband." Bal said.

"Obligated!? Bal, trust me. I'm not doing this out of obligation. I'm doing this because I love you and don't want to see you suffer. If you want me to help just say the word." I said.

Bal gave me the eyes of a wet kitten. "I~I want help! Please." Bal cried. That was all I needed to hear. "I'll take control now then. If it's too much just say the word and I'll stop." I said.

I kissed him and he pulled me closer trying to wrap his legs around me. "What do you want?" I asked. "Scent me? For now at least." Bal asked.

I kissed his nose before biting his scent gland on his neck. Suddenly his legs gave out and I caught him. "Hey, hey! You okay?" I asked. He nodded his head and I looked down at his pants.

"Did you just cum from that?" I asked. He looked away in shame before I kissed his forehead. "Claim me!" Bal blurted. I looked at him for a second before realizing what he meant.

"How?" I asked. "I~I want you to demand me to submit. I~I want you to make me. Claimed me. Chase me. Breed me." He begged.

I put my hands beside his head, caging him. "Yield." I growled. Bal's eyes went wide and he bit his lip. "Make me." He said.

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