Chapter 20 wedding 3.0 🍋

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Artist: nayasis4040
Warning sex:
Ballister pov:

"Mmp~gmp~!" I moaned out. He's so big. I don't know how I am able to take him all the time. "Fuck!" I heard. I looked up and saw Ambrosius throw his head back. He put his hand under my neck and rubbed it.

I moaned knowing it would make him feel good and bobbed my head up and down. Ambrosius lifted his hips up so he could fuck my throat and I didn't stop him.

He pulled out of my mouth and I was confused. Suddenly he flipped me over so he was on top of me.

"Ngh~" I moaned. He kissed my neck then suddenly pulled my pants off. "AHHH!" I yelled out. I used my blouse to cover my crotch while blushing like crazy.

"What's wrong? I've seen everything before." Ambrosius said. he took off his suit and I gulped. He kissed my neck again before taking off my shirt. "Commando?" Ambrosius asked.

I whined in embarrassment when Ambrosius kissed my right thigh. He got to my pussy but I kept covering it.

I felt something wet on my fingers and realized Ambrosius was licking my hands. I smacked his head before pulling my hands away. Before I can figure out what's happening Ambrosius put my legs to my shoulders and my pussy was in full view of him.

"Aahhhh!~" I moaned. Ambrosius was licking every part of my pussy and my asshole. It felt so good.

"Knowing I'm the only one that can use these holes drives me insane." Ambrosius said before shoving his tongue deep inside me pussy.

Suddenly he put two fingers into me and sucked my left nipple. I grabbed his face and kissed him hard while rubbing against him.

"Want you...~please!" I begged. I felt his cock rub against me and he put it in. "Bal? Why are you crying?" Ambrosius asked.

"Oh, i~i didn't realize. I'll stop." I stuttered. I felt something wet lick my cheek. That's when I realized Ambrosius licked my tears away.

"I love you. I love you so much it hurts." Ambrosius breathed out. I kissed him while breathing into his mouth. "I want you to ruin me.~ tear me apart~. Fuck me until I break, so you can put me back together.~ please?" I begged.

"Gladly.~" he said slamming into me. I felt my legs run to jelly and started moaning/sobbing from how amazing it felt.

He didn't start slow at all! "S~So rough! Y~your gonna b~break my pussy! S~slow doWn!" I sobbed. "But your pussy feels so good bal I can't stop pounding it!" Ambrosius growled.

"Too much!~ s~slow d~!" I couldn't finish my sentence because I came. "Fuck I thought my dick was gonna snap, Bal" ambrosius said. I kept twitching every few seconds until I turned around and lifted my ass up a little bit so Ambrosius would see.

"Please, put it in me~ fill me up.~" I begged shaking. Ambrosius had a blank look on his face when he suddenly grabbed my chin.

"I hope you mean that." He said before kissing me. "Cause I'm gonna hold you to it." He said.

Ambrosius pov:

He really knows how to rile me up, huh. I could hear him begging me to slow down but I just grabbed his hips and slammed even harder into his perfect pussy. "Ah~ I love this bouncing ass!~" I moaned.

"Pl~please!" Bal whispered. "Please what?" I asked. "Slow~Slow down! I'm gonna break!" He begged, so I slowed down like he asked. "You feel so good.~" I said kissing his shoulder.

"I'm~ I'm gonna c~cum again!" Bal warned. "Oh, no you're not!~" I said pulling my cock out. "Nooo! Put it back in!~" he begged.

"No! I didn't even get to cum yet." I said. I started jacking off while Bal was whining. "I'm close!~" I groaned.

Suddenly Bal put my cock in his mouth and that sent me over the edge. I came in his mouth while looking at his gorgeous face.

I pulled out of his mouth and finished cumming on his face. We both collapsed onto the bed while panting. Bal and I stared at each other for a second before bursting out laughing.

"Let's, pfft! Go take a bath!" I said laughing.

A few minutes later:
Ballister pov:

"Is the water good?" I asked. Ambrosius grunted in response while holding me. I held his cheek while crossing my legs so one was above the water.

"Damn it." Ambrosius mumbled. "What?" I asked. Suddenly he pushed me to the other side of the tub and got on top of me.

Ambrosius ran a hand through his hair while looking at me with hungry eyes. "Who said you could be this sexy." He said.

I felt his cock rubbing against me so I kissed him and flipped him over so I was on top. He touched my hips but I pushed him down. "no, no, no. You don't get to touch." I said.

I could see his fangs grow out but I ignored it and slammed his cock inside me. "Gah~!" I couldn't say anything. I felt the bulge in my stomach and held my belly.

As soon as I started bouncing I could feel Ambrosius's eyes on me. he's hitting every spot without even trying.

"How are you so big!?" I cried. Suddenly Ambrosius sucked on one of my nipples. "S~stop! Don't suck on t~them." I cried.

I felt a finger on my clit making me look down. "Want you~." He said. "You have me." I responded.

Suddenly he bit my shoulder and blood started coming out. He rubbed my clit while pounding into me. "Don't stop! Don't stop! Please!" I cried.

I started sobbing into his shoulder from how good it felt when he suddenly knot me. "My belly~!" I cried. Ambrosius growled into my neck while I felt my stomach bloating.

"Ambrosius, I love you." I said into his neck. "I love you too Bal." He responded.

A while later:

"Mm, Warm." I said spooning Ambrosius. "This is weird." He said. I gave him a confused look. "You're supposed to be the little spoon." He said.

I laughed out loud and he joined me. Suddenly he flipped over so we could see each other. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I responded.

We fell asleep holding each other again.

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