Chapter 4 Wedding

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Artist: sefarlen
Ballister's POV:
1 year later:

"Today's the day! Today's the day!" I practically jumped out of bed when my alarm went off. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before going to the dining room. "Hey, hey! Here comes the groom!" Ameera sang.

I smiled before sitting down and grabbing an apple. "Are you ready?" Mum asked. "I've been ready for a long time." I said, biting into the apple.

Ambrosius's POV:

Today's the day. Sadly, today is the day. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and noticed how tired I looked. I just sighed before heading downstairs to the dining room.

"Hey, son." Dad said. I nodded at him before sitting down. I grabbed a banana and tried to eat it, but I could barely get a few bites in. "Hey, honey. You ready?" Mom asked, hugging my shoulders and kissing my cheek.

"Honestly, no, I'm not ready." I said.

A while later:
No one's POV:

It was a clear afternoon, and a warm day considering it was fall. The church was full of members of the royal family and descendants of Gloreth.

At first, it was awkward. After all, the descendants of Gloreth had no idea who was walking down the aisle, but they were good friends with the guests, so everyone made conversation but to Ambrosius this isn't who he wanted to marry.

Ambrosius's POV:

"You look amazing, son." Mom said, straightening my tie. I muttered a 'thanks' before looking at the mirror. All the memories of the past year flooded in. How I couldn't hang out with Bal. How I could only look at him from across the room. How he became a knight, and I couldn't even say 'congratulations'! I took a shuddered breath while wiping tears from my face.

I let out a sigh of defeat when I heard a knock on the door. "It's time." a guest said.

I walked out of the room with my head hung low.

Ballister's POV:

"I'm not sure about this outfit." I said, adjusting my sleeves. "You were sure when we got it." Mum said. I chuckled a little before looking in the mirror. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and saw my mum in the mirror.

"I know that this wedding is under... Odd circumstances, but I hope you're happy." Mum said. "I-I'm Happy! I'm happy." I said. I looked in the mirror one more time before smiling.

We heard a knock on the door before Mira came in. "It's time!" Mira giggled before running off. I took a deep breath and straightened up. "Here we go!" I said.

No one's POV:

The room was buzzing with chatter until the doors opened. Princess Mira walked in with a basket of petals and threw them across the floor while laughing. She also threw some in people's faces, making Ambrosius chuckle a little bit.

Princess Ameera walked down with the rings on top of a white and gold pillow. Ambrosius looked at the floor in disappointment when he heard gasps. "Bal?" He whispered.

Ambrosius's POV:

It's going to be okay! I'm gonna be okay! I suddenly heard gasps, making me look down the aisle, and I saw the last person I was expecting to see. "Bal?" I whispered.

What is he doing here!? Suddenly the music started playing, and he was walking down the aisle. I looked at my parents, whose mouths were hanging open, and looked back to Bal. He tried to take my hand, but I jerked it away. He looked surprised while I glared at him.

Every kiss, every date, every hug, every conversation. It was all just bittersweet now. I looked at the audience one more time before looking down.

"I... I do." I muttered. Ameera walked over and gave the rings to us. I slapped the ring on his finger while he carefully put mine on. "I now pronounce you husbands! You may kiss the groom!" The priest announced.

I grunted quietly before Bal started leaning in. I held him back, making him stop. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I just gave him a peck on the lips before everyone applauded. Suddenly I heard a loud 'boom'! And looked out the window. Fireworks were going off outside. I heard Bal chuckle before taking my hand.

He took me out of the room while laughing. I was about to say something when he hugged me. "Oh, man, that was nerve-wracking!" Bal said before pulling away. The guests started heading to the reception while Bal was smiling.
It's stupid to fall in love with him!

I have to go tall to some guests but I'll see you later?" Bal asked, holding my hand.

"Y-yeah, yeah sure!" I stuttered. He smiled before walking away, still holding my hand. I should feel happy, but for some reason, I feel angry!

I'm angry at myself, at my grandpa, but most of all, I'm pissed at Ballister! I was stupid to fall in love with him!

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