Chapter 12.5 Christmas

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Artist: sefarlen
Over a mile away:
Ambrosius pov:

I opened the door and immediately shut it. "Oh man!" I said. I dusted the snow off me and put my coat away. "I'm home!" I yelled out.

For some reason no one came to greet me. Not even the staff. "Hello! Where is everyone?" I asked. I noticed a light in the living room and went inside.

All the staff was looking at the News for some reason. "Warning: level 5 billiard: please remain indoors:" the TV announced.

"Good thing I'm not out there anymore." I said. Everyone turned around to look at me when Ameera ran up to me. "Ambrosius! Where's Ballister!?" She asked.

"What are you talking about? He's here right?" I asked. "NO! He heard you got in a wreck so he went out to look for you!" Ameera yelled pointing at the window.

I ran over and realized what she meant. "BALLISTER IS IN THAT!?" I yelled. I couldn't see anything from how bad the storm was. There's no way he's gonna make it!

"I-I gotta go!" I yelled. I tried to run out the door when someone knocked me to the floor with it. "Nimona!" I heard someone yell. I looked over and saw a redheaded girl covered in snow.

"Where's Ballister?" Ameera asked. "I-I don't know." This 'Nimona' stuttered. "What do you mean you don't know!? You went with him to the crash sight!" Ameera yelled.

"I don't know okay!? I looked away for one second and he was just... Gone!" Nimona yelled with tears in her eyes.

I got off the floor and walked over to her. "Where did you last see him?" I asked. "Where your carriage was. He went to look for you!" She yelled.

I tried to leave the room when the staff stopped me. "Sir Goldenloin, you can't go out there!" One of the staff said. "Get out of my way!" I yelled. They started holding me down while I tried to break free.

"Sir Goldenloin there's a blizzard out there! We can't risk losing you too. As soon as it calms down we'll go look for him." Someone else said.

"No, no, no! He wouldn't survive out there! We need to go find him! We need-" Everything went black after that.

Nimona pov:

I knelt down at Goldilocks's before signing. "Sorry blondie, but boss said that if anything ever happened to him. I'd have to protect you now." I said before picking him up.

Almost two miles away:
Ballister pov:

I can't see anything! All I see is white. I need to find Ambrosius and I need to find him fast. Suddenly I tripped on something and fell face-first into the snow.

I looked up and saw a cave not far away. I held myself while shaking before heading to the cave. Suddenly my scarf blew away. "No, no!" I yelled trying to grab it. Ambrosius gave that scarf to me as a gift.

I gave up before walking to the cave. I collapsed onto the floor of the cave before holding myself. "Ambrosius, I'm sorry." I cried. Everything went black after that.

A few hours later:
Ambrosius pov:

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I yelled banging on the door. The damn staff locked me in my room and wouldn't let me out. Suddenly the door opened and that red-headed girl showed up.

"Let's go." She said tossing a coat to me. She left before I could say anything so I threw the coat on before running after her.

"Where's Bal? Who are you? Why haven't I ever seen you before? I asked. She ignored me and kept walking. Once we got outside I saw my parents and the queen with flashlights and a flare gun in hand.

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