Chapter 2: Sleepless in a Motel Room

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Eris's POV:

The silence of the motel room settled in, thick and heavy. Moonlight spilled through the grimy window, painting silver streaks across the dusty floor. My eyelids felt like weighted lids, but sleep remained elusive. Carys, however, seemed to have surrendered to its siren call, her breathing even and quiet from the bed.

I glanced across the dim room, the flickering TV casting distorted shadows onto the peeling wallpaper. A soft whimper broke the silence, drawing my attention back to the bed. Carys was curled up, her brow furrowed in a grimace. She looked impossibly fragile. My chest tightened, a strange protectiveness blooming within me.

Then, a soft sob cut through the silence, her body jolting upright. I watched, heart pounding, as she thrashed against the bed, her face contorted in fear. A nightmare, I realized, no doubt reliving the horror she'd escaped.

Without hesitation, I crossed the room, my bare feet silent on the threadbare carpet. I sat on the edge of the bed, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Carys," I whispered, my voice soft and soothing. "Wake up, it's okay. You're safe."

Her eyes fluttered open, wide and startled. For a moment, she didn't seem to recognize me, her gaze darting around the room like a trapped animal. I tried to reached out, but before I could, she screamed out. "No! Don't—don't touch me!"

I stepped back, Carys flinching away from me, her eyes wild and her breaths fast and shallow. Her whole body trembling in fear.

"Hey, don't panic, it was just a dream." I said, gently taking her hand and holding it firmly. Our eyes meet. "Listen to me, you're safe and they aren't going to hurt you again. There's nobody else here, okay? Trust me, you're safe."

I almost expected Carys to yank her hand away in her panic, but she didn't — instead, she relaxed a little, tears rolling down her cheeks, and she finally let out a breath.

"Eris," she whispered, her voice thick with sleep and fear. "It was... it was..."

I held her gaze, my heart ached for the unspoken terror in her voice. "It's okay," I said, smiled and pulled her into a hug that she didn't resist. "It's over now. You're safe."

Carys clung to my hug for a moment longer, the tremor in her body slowly subsiding. Her tears had left damp streaks on my shoulder, a silent testament to the terror she'd endured. Finally, she pulled away, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I—I can't go back to sleep after that."

"Okay, what about a shower? you're covered in sweat."

Carys' trembling subsided, replaced by a hesitant nod. "A shower," she echoed, her voice still raw but a flicker of hope returning to her eyes. "Yeah, that might help."

I helped her up, my hand lingering on her arm for a reassuring moment. The cramped bathroom had seen better days, chipped tiles and rusty fixtures whispering of neglect. I expected her to say something, show her disgust but to my surprise, she simply closed the door without a word.

While she showered, I cleared the bed, tucking the scratchy sheets into a semblance of comfort. When Carys emerged, wrapped in a threadbare towel, her skin rosy from the heat, I offered her a clean t-shirt and sweatpants from my bag.

"They should fit." I said.

Carys hesitantly puts it on, the shirt a bit oversized but still better than wearing her sweaty worn clothes.

"Thank you." She says, "for everything."

"Don't sweat it." I replied with a smile. A few beats of awkward silence passed by. "Well, you should at least lie down and get some rest, it's been a hell of a night."

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