Chapter 4: Flat Tires and Rainstorms

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Rain lashed against the windshield, blurring the endless ribbon of highway ahead. Eris squinted, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. Beside her, Carys, nestled deep in the passenger seat, was lost in a memory.

"And then, Peaches, bless her stubborn heart, decided the best way to avoid the puddle was to jump right over it," Carys chuckled, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "I ended up clinging to her neck like a koala, soaked to the bone but laughing so hard I thought I'd fall off."

Eris, catching a glimpse of Carys' smile in the rearview mirror, couldn't help but grin. Day two on the road and she's come to find out that Carys can talk for hours on end. She likes it though.

"You were fearless as a kid, huh?" Eris asked, her voice warm.

Carys shrugged, a hint of wistfulness in her eyes. "Maybe. Horses have a way of teaching you that sometimes, the best course of action is to just hold on tight and enjoy the ride."

A comfortable silence settled between them, punctuated only by the rhythmic drumming of rain on the roof.

"Speaking of holding on tight," Eris continued, her gaze flicking to the speedometer, "we might have to do some of that soon. Looks like this storm isn't letting up."

Carys peered out the window, her smile fading slightly. "Yeah, it's getting pretty dangerous," she mused.

Eris chuckled. "Don't worry, I've experience worst storms than this. We just have to take it slow."

"Alright then." Carys replies, drawing a smiley on the foggy window.

"So, tell me more about these champion horses of yours."

Carys' face softened, a spark of life returning to her usually guarded eyes. "Oh, they're not champions anymore. Just retired veterans enjoying their golden years in spacious paddocks."

"But you loved them, didn't you?" Eris prompted, sensing a story waiting to be told.

Carys' smile turned wistful. "Loved them? I practically lived in the stables. My first pony, a stubborn Shetland named Pippin, nearly threw me off more times than I can count."

Eris laughed, picturing the petite heiress at the mercy of a feisty Shetland. "Any particularly memorable tumbles?"

Carys' eyes twinkled. "Oh, definitely. I was six, all gung-ho on becoming a fearless rider. Pippin, however, had other plans. He decided a leisurely stroll through the rose garden was more his speed, thorns and all."

Eris winced in mock sympathy. "Yikes. Did you emerge unscathed?"

"More or less," Carys admitted, a blush creeping up her neck. "Thorns in my hair, mud-caked from head to toe, and a rose bush forever etched in my memory. But Pippin got a stern talking-to, and I learned a valuable lesson about respecting my mount's... shall we say, independent spirit."

They lapsed into a comfortable silence for a while, the only sound the rhythmic pounding of rain on the truck. The downpour showed no signs of letting up, A sudden boom of thunder echoed overhead, followed by a torrential downpour. The windshield became an opaque sheet of water, visibility dropping to near zero. Eris pulled over, her heart pounding against her ribs.

"Okay, Looks like we're taking a break," she said, switching off the engine.

Carys leaned back and looked out at the wall of rain. "Just another hurdle, right?"

Eris grinned. "Right. What else do princesses do when stranded on the side of the road?"

Carys's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, according to my favorite fairy tales, they sing with woodland creatures and befriend talking squirrels."

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