Chapter 7: I tell the stars about you

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They scanned the horizon, searching for the familiar glow of a diner or gas station. Soon, a small neon sign flickered into view, advertising "Homemade Pies." Eris pulled off the highway, the truck crunching on gravel as it parked.

The pie shop was a quaint, two-story building with a warm, inviting glow. Inside, the aroma of cinnamon and sugar hung heavy in the air, a symphony of sweet smells. Carys's stomach rumbled in anticipation.

A friendly waitress greeted them with a smile. "Welcome! What can I get you folks?"

Carys's eyes darted across the menu, overwhelmed by the delicious options. "Let me see," she said, taking a deep breath. "I'll have the warm apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, please."

Eris, unable to resist the lure of chocolate, opted for a slice of rich, decadent fudge brownie. The waitress scribbled down their orders with a knowing smile.

When their desserts arrived, they dug in with gusto. The warm apple pie, bursting with juicy chunks and a perfectly spiced filling, was pure heaven. The brownie, dense and fudgy, was a chocolate lover's dream. With each bite, the flavors danced on their tongues, a sweet symphony of pleasure.

As they savored their desserts, Carys, her curiosity piqued, leaned across the table. "Do you always stay in motels when you're on the road?" she inquired, her voice soft.

Eris chuckled, taking a swig of her coffee. "Not always, princess. Sometimes, when the motel rates feel like highway robbery — Most of the time, actually, I sleep..." she gestured towards the window, where the truck stood bathed in the soft glow of the diner's lights.

Carys's jaw dropped. "In the truck? But how? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Eris grinned. "Yup. Got myself an air mattress in the back, fits snug and comfy. Not exactly a five-star hotel, but it gets the job done."

A mischievous glint flickered in Carys's eyes. "Snug, you say?" she challenged, raising an eyebrow. "I bet even two people could manage 'snug' in that truck bed, especially if they're both on the slim side, like us."

Eris choked on her coffee, spluttering in surprise. "Carys, no way! It's barely enough for one person to stretch out comfortably, let alone two."

Carys pouted strategically, channeling her best puppy-dog eyes. "Aw, come on, Eris. I wanna tryyy."

Eris sighed, her resistance crumbling under the sheer force of Carys's enthusiasm and those irresistible eyes. "Alright, alright," she conceded, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "you win. But don't complain if you wake up with a crick in your neck."

A triumphant grin spread across Carys's face. "Deal! We can even squeeze in some extra blankets for padding."

"You're persistent, I'll give you that." Eris chuckles, shaking her head amusedly at Carys.

"I mean, who knows, It might just be the most memorable night of this entire trip."


The diner's neon sign flickered goodbye as Eris pulled out, the truck humming to life on the open highway. Carys rolled down the window, letting the cool night air wash over her face. The vastness of the sky above, studded with a million twinkling stars, was a stark contrast to the cramped diner booth.

The dessert had been delicious, but the real sweetness lingered in the shared laughter and the unexpected proposition that had flipped her evening upside down. Sleeping in Eris's truck? It was an idea so unconventional, so thrilling, that it sent a shiver of excitement down her spine.

"Alright, princess," Eris called from the driver's seat, her voice laced with a playful tease. "Time to turn this truck into a palace for the night."

Carys chuckled, stepping out onto the gravel shoulder. "I'll be your queen, surveying my starry domain while you work your magic."

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