Chapter 18: Life After You

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Two years had spun by since Carys had tumbled out of Eris' meticulously crafted web of lies. Shortly after Eris's sentencing, Carys made the decision to move to New York City, a kaleidoscope of chaos and energy, felt like the perfect antidote to the suffocating silence that had become her life.

The flight from San Francisco to New York was a physical journey mirroring her emotional one. As the plane soared above the clouds, Carys shed a silent tear for the girl she used to be, the one who had believed in happily-ever-afters. But with each passing hour, a steely resolve settled in her gut. New York wasn't just a new city; it was a new beginning.

Her tiny Brooklyn apartment, with its fire escape overlooking a graffiti-laden alleyway, thrummed with an energy that resonated with Carys' newfound determination. She threw herself into her studies, the vibrant chaos of the city a balm to her soul.

The past years hadn't been easy. Therapy sessions had become a weekly ritual, a battleground where Carys wrestled with the trauma of her abduction and the sickening realization that the woman she'd loved, the woman who'd claimed to be her savior, had been her part of it all along. 

But New York had a way of chipping away at the edges of her pain. The sheer anonymity of the city was a balm. Here, she could reinvent herself, shed the skin of the scared, naive girl Eris had preyed upon.  She threw herself into her studies, the familiar comfort of academia a grounding force.  She found solace in the bustling streets, the cacophony of car horns and distant sirens strangely comforting.

There were moments, of course, when the past clawed its way back. A stray touch that sent shivers down her spine, a flicker of dark hair that sparked a jolt of fear. But with each passing day, the grip of fear loosened a little.  She started venturing out at night, the twinkling lights of the city skyline a testament to the life that thrummed beyond her past trauma.

New friendships blossomed, tentative at first, then blooming with shared laughter and late-night talks. Yoko, a quirky film student with a passion for social justice, became her confidante. Faye, a quiet but kind soul in her literature class, understood the unspoken anxieties that flickered in her eyes. Slowly, Carys rebuilt her world, brick by fragile brick.


Rain beat a relentless tattoo on the windowpane, mirroring the rhythm of Carys' tapping foot. Her apartment, usually a haven, felt cramped tonight. Anxiety gnawed at the edges of her stomach, a familiar feeling ever since the incident.

Just then, her phone buzzed. A message from Lisa. "You okay? Rain got you feeling down?"

Carys cracked a smile, a touch of warmth blooming in her chest. Lisa, with her infectious laugh and easygoing nature, had become her anchor in the stormy sea of recovery. They'd met at a pottery class, a shared need for creative expression drawing them together. Carys knew theirs wasn't a conventional relationship – not yet. She wasn't ready to get swept off her feet, to risk the vulnerability of a full-blown commitment.

But Lisa understood. She was a patient listener, a safe space where Carys could unload the nightmares and residual paranoia that lingered from the past. Lisa hadn't pushed for details, but her unwavering support spoke volumes.

Carys typed out a quick reply. "Yeah, just a bad night. The rain doesn't help."

An emoji popped up on her screen – a teapot with a worried face. Lisa. Perfect.

Minutes later, Carys' phone buzzed again. "Wanna FaceTime? Hot chocolate and bad reality TV marathon sounds way better than a rainy day freak-out."

Carys couldn't help but laugh out loud. Lisa had a knack for knowing exactly what she needed. A wave of gratitude washed over her. Having someone who understood the delicate balance she navigated – wanting connection while fearing engulfment – was a rare gift.

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