Chapter 6: Morning Blushes and Thrift Stores

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Day 3

Carys stirred awake, the morning light filtering through the dusty motel window. The fever had finally retreated, leaving behind a pleasant fatigue and a nagging headache. But more than the physical discomfort, a blush crept up her neck as she recalled the events of the previous night.

Her hand instinctively flew to her lips, Had she really blurted out her feelings about the kiss? How could she have been so reckless? How could she have said something like that to Eris? The woman was practically a stranger, and yet, in the haze of fever and fear, she'd blurted out her truth.

Shame coiled in her stomach, threatening to consume her. But before she could spiral further, a gentle voice broke through her thoughts.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Eris said, her tone playful, yet laced with concern. "Feeling better?"

Carys managed a weak smile. "Yeah, much better. Thanks for taking care of me."

Eris chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed. "No problem, princess. Though, next time try not to scare me half to death with your fever dreams."

Carys winced. "About that..." she mumbled, avoiding Eris's gaze.

Eris raised an eyebrow, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Don't worry, I didn't take anything you said personally. Delirium does strange things to people."

But relief didn't settle in Carys' chest. It felt like a cop-out, a dismissal of the raw vulnerability she'd shared. Hesitantly, she spoke, "But it was true, especially the part about the kiss."

Eris' cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink. "Well," she mumbled, looking away, "I can't say I hated it either."

The unexpected admission caught Carys off guard. A flicker of surprise lit up her eyes. "You... didn't?"

Eris met her gaze, a new vulnerability mirroring Carys' own. "No," she confessed, her voice low. "i found myself enjoying it too."

Carys' heart skipped a beat. Eris admitting to enjoying the kiss? It felt surreal. The confession hung in the air, charged with unspoken emotions. This wasn't the Eris she knew, the Eris who doesn't like talking about herself, who kept her emotions under lock and key.

As if sensing her unspoken thought, Eris continued, her voice softer now. "But you know," she said, her gaze meeting Carys' with unexpected amusement, "there was another thing you said last night that I agree with entirely."

Carys' heart skipped a beat. Eris leaned in closer, her voice a mere whisper. "You said I was pretty. And you know what? I think you're damn right."

Carys laughed, a genuine laugh that reached her eyes. "Well, I don't think you're just pretty, Eris," she said, her voice gaining confidence. "You're brave, strong, and you have the kindest heart I know."

A surprised laugh escaped Eris's lips. "You're not so bad yourself, princess," she said, her eyes twinkling. "Now, how about that breakfast? I'm starving."


Carys fluffed her pillows, the memory of Eris's words still warming her cheeks. A shared vulnerability, a deeper connection – it felt exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

As she straightened the wrinkles in her borrowed clothes, a muffled voice drifted from the hallway. It was Eris, but the tone was sharp, unlike her usual easy drawl.

Curiosity piqued, Carys crept closer, the thin motel wall offering little soundproofing. The words were fragmented, but the tension in Eris's voice crackled through the barrier.

", I told you, things have changed. The plan can't be the same." A beat of silence, then, Eris sighed, her voice laced with frustration. "Look, I'll call you back later. Just trust me, I have things under control."

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