Chapter 5: Fever Dreams and Flustered Faces

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Rain lashed against the thin motel window, the rhythmic drumming a stark contrast to the frantic beat of Carys's heart. Her chest burned, each shallow breath a rasping effort. Sweat slicked her skin, turning the borrowed pajamas clammy and cold. Shivering, she pulled the thin blanket tighter, but the chill seeped in, bone-deep.

"Carys?" Eris's voice, usually gruff yet comforting, held a tremor of concern. Her hand touched Carys's forehead, sending a jolt of awareness through her fevered haze. "You're burning up."

Carys mumbled something unintelligible, her throat sandpaper dry. The room seemed to tilt, the shadows dancing mockingly at the edges of her vision.

Eris didn't waste time with questions. She bustled around the room, the faint glow of the bedside lamp illuminating her determined face. The rustle of clothes, the click of the kettle, and the soft thud of a damp cloth filled the quiet space.

Suddenly, a cool compress landed on her forehead, the gentle pressure grounding her. Relief washed over her, momentary and precious. Her eyelids fluttered shut, the sound of Eris's soothing murmurs a lullaby against the storm's angry song.

Eris gently placed the thermometer under Carys' tongue. The reading that flashed on the digital screen sent a jolt of fear through her – 103.4°F.

"Carys, wake up, honey," Eris murmured, her voice laced with concern. "You need to take some medicine."

Carys stirred, her eyes fluttering open. They were glazed over with fever, and her voice was raspy when she spoke. "Wha... what's wrong?"

Eris brushed a strand of hair away, her frown deepening. "You're burning up. That rain wasn't kind to you, princess."

The nickname, usually playful, now held a tenderness that sent a warmth through Carys's chilled body. "I should've worn a raincoat," she mumbled, regret heavy in her voice.

Eris chuckled softly. "Don't worry about that now. Let's get you feeling better."

She helped Carys sit up, carefully administering the aspirin and a glass of water. The compress remained on her forehead, and Eris tucked a spare blanket around her trembling form.

"You need to rest," Eris said, her voice firm yet gentle. "Try to sleep."

Carys leaned against the pillows, her eyes drooping. "But...Peaches..I need to feed her."

The words tumbled out, nonsensical and fueled by fever. Carys's brow furrowed, and she clutched the blanket tighter, picturing majestic Peaches in a stable far away.

Eris, ever practical, chuckled. "Peaches ain't here, princess. You're safe and sound in a motel room."

But Carys didn't seem to hear. Her gaze drifted around the room, landing on Eris with a sudden intensity. "You're pretty," she blurted out, her voice barely a whisper.

Eris's cheeks flushed crimson, a stark contrast to her usual tanned complexion. "Carys, you're delirious. Rest now."

Carys's smile, however, was mischievous even through the haze. "No, I remember," she insisted, her voice gaining strength despite the fever. "The kiss... it was nice."

Heat flooded Eris's face. The kiss, meant as a quick distraction while hiding , now felt like a lifetime ago. Yet, the memory of Carys's surprised gasp, the warmth of her lips, had lingered in Eris's mind too.

"Carys, please," Eris pleaded, her voice flustered. "You don't know what you're saying."

But Carys's eyes, usually guarded, held an unexpected vulnerability. "I do," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "I liked it."

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