Chapter 9: Fair Games and Interrupted Kisses

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Day 4

Sunlight, thin and tentative, poked through the cracks in the truck windows, painting the truck bed in stripes of gold. Carys stirred, her body protesting with a chorus of aches and groans. The air mattress, once a symbol of rebellion and adventure, now felt like a medieval torture device.

"Ow," she mumbled, stretching gingerly, the movement sending fresh waves of pain through her limbs.

Beside her, Eris stirred, her dark hair a tangled mess against the faded blue fabric. She opened one eye, squinting at the sunlight. "Morning, princess," she croaked, her voice gravelly from sleep.

Carys winced. "Morning," she managed, forcing a smile. She felt like a human pretzel, contorted into an impossible position. "Remember when I thought this was a good idea?"

Eris chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "Honestly, I'd rather go broke paying for motels every night than spend another night on this torture device."

Carys couldn't help but laugh, the sound shaky but genuine. The shared misery, the absurdity of their situation, somehow eased the tension that had coiled around them the night before.

Carys stretched, wincing as her muscles protested. "I think I've become permanently contorted," she joked, rubbing her back.

Eris, who had already begun packing away the makeshift bed, chuckled. "Don't worry, princess, you'll be back to your usual graceful self soon enough. Besides, a little discomfort builds character." Eris said, her voice hoarse from sleep.

Carys rolled her eyes playfully. "Or maybe you shouldn't listen to me when I get terrible ideas like that."

"As if you'll listen when I say no." Eris replied, sticking her tongue out at Carys.

Carys giggled, shrugging her shoulders in respect. Eris already out of the truck, popped opened the hood, her movements efficient as she checked the engine fluids. Carys, ever the observer, watched on the sidelines.

"Day 4, almost there." Eris announced, closing the hood of the truck. "Feels like a lifetime already, doesn't it?"

The words held a double meaning, Carys realized. Almost back home, yes, but also almost to the end of their journey together. The thought sent a pang of... something through her.

"Ready for another day on the road princess?" Eris asked again, jolting Carys out of her thoughts.

Carys forced a smile. "As ready as I'll ever be."


The convenience store loomed ahead, a beacon of civilization in the vast expanse of the highway. Eris pulled in, the rumble of the engine fading as they parked.

"Need anything?" Eris asked, already hopping out and heading towards the convenience store attached to the station.

"Just some water," Carys replied, watching Eris disappear through the automatic doors.

Left alone, she wandered towards a weathered bulletin board plastered with mismatched flyers. Her gaze landed on one, its vibrant colors and bold lettering announcing a county fair happening in the next town. Carys's lips curved into a smile, a spark of forgotten excitement igniting within her.

Suddenly, Eris reappeared, a plastic bag dangling from her hand. "Water and some questionable chips," she announced, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Questionable chips?" Carys chuckled, accepting the bottle. "Sounds adventurous."

"Exactly." Eris grinned.

"Hey, look at this." Carys said, holding up the flyer. "There's a fair happening in the next town! Can we please go?"

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