Chapter 12: Six Days and a Lifetime of Longing

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Carys, perched on a smooth rock by the water's edge, unfolded a sheet of paper, her gaze drifting towards Eris, who sat a on a nearby rock, lost in her own letter.

Picking up the pencil, Carys began to write. "Eris," she started, the formality of the name feeling strangely fitting for the enigmatic woman who had become the center of her whirlwind adventure.

"Thank you," she wrote, the words flowing freely now. "For showing me a world far removed from the one I know, a world of greasy diners and flickering neon signs, a world that felt real, alive."

A smile tugged at Carys's lips as she recalled the greasy cheeseburgers they devoured at a roadside diner, the salty fries a stark contrast to the meticulously prepared meals she was accustomed to. It was messy, loud, and exhilaratingly ordinary.

"Never in a million years did I think I'd find myself here. Crammed into a truck with a woman who seems as comfortable with greasy spoons as she is with navigating deserted highways. But here we are, and for the first time in my life, I feel... free."

"But more than the experiences," she wrote, her heart pounding as she penned the next sentence, "it's you, Eris, who has left a mark on me. Your strength, your loyalty, your unexpected kindness – it's all so disarming."

Carys took a deep breath, her cheeks flushing a warm pink. "I know this might sound crazy," she continued, the words flowing more freely now, "but I think... I think I might be falling for you. Here, on this crazy journey, in the most unexpected of circumstances, I've found myself drawn to you in a way I can't explain."

She reread the last sentence, a nervous flutter in her stomach. Was this too much? Too forward? Yet, the words felt honest, a reflection of the truth that had blossomed in her heart.

With a shaky hand, she finished the letter, her final words a silent plea:

"Thank you, Eris, for saving me. But most of all, thank you for showing me a glimpse of a life I never knew I craved. A life filled with adventure, laughter, and maybe, just maybe, love.

Whatever the future holds, I'll never forget this adventure and you."

Folding the letter carefully, Carys tucked it into her pocket, a mix of fear and hope swirling within her. Would Eris feel the same? Would this unexpected connection survive the harsh reality that awaited them?

Taking a deep breath, she stole a glance at Eris. The woman sat face down, meticulously folding her letter; the setting sun bathing her face in the warm glow.  A pang of longing shot through Carys – a longing for a future she knew wasn't hers for the taking.

"Eris," Carys finally said, her voice barely a whisper.

Eris turned, her gaze filled with a curiosity that sent a shiver down Carys's spine. "Yes?"

Carys held out the letter, her fingers brushing against Eris's as she did so. A jolt of electricity shot through her, making her cheeks flush. "I'm done."

"Yep, me too." Eris replied, passing her letter to Carys.

Just as Eris was about to open her letter, Carys' hand shot out, stopping her, "wait!"

She exclaimed, "Maybe... maybe it would be better to read them when we miss each other, whenever that may be. Not now." Carys explained shyly.

A flicker of surprise crossed Eris's face, followed by a hesitant smile. "Miss each other, huh?" she repeated, a hint of amusement softening her features.

Carys felt a blush creep up her neck. "Well, yeah," she stammered, avoiding Eris's gaze. "Isn't that the point? To remember this... experience?"

Eris's smile widened, a knowing glint in her eyes. The unspoken understanding that passed between them hung heavy in the air, a shared secret cradled in the silence.

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