Chapter 16: Through Bars of Steel

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The sterile silence of the prison visiting room pressed down on Carys like a physical weight. Across the cold metal table sat Eris, her fiery spirit dimmed by the harsh fluorescent lights. Gone was the warmth in her eyes, replaced by a dull resignation. Carys' heart ached, a tangled mess of anger, betrayal, and a lingering love that refused to be extinguished.

Silence stretched between them, a chasm filled with unspoken accusations and a torrent of emotions Carys couldn't quite articulate. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely a whisper.

"Why, Eris? Did we mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?"

Eris flinched, the hurt in Carys's voice a sharper weapon than any prison guard's baton. "Carys, I..." She took a shuddering breath. "There's no excuse for what I did. But please, try to understand. I did care, Carys. I do. But it was the only way. The only way out. I was trapped, Carys. In debt to the Nightingales, I had no choice."

"That doesn't justify what you did," Carys whispered. "You lied to me, manipulated me. You made me care about you, only to find out it was all part of the plan."

Eris's gaze softened, a flicker of the old Eris peeking through. "Carys, please. I..." she faltered, searching for the right words. "I had no choice. They... they had my sister, Nora. They would have..." Her voice trailed off, the unspoken threat hanging heavy in the air.

Carys's breath hitched. A sister. Eris had never mentioned a sister. A new wave of anger washed over her, laced with a sliver of understanding.

"So, you became a monster to save her?"

Eris shook her head, tears slipping down her cheeks. "No, not a monster. I was scared and desperate. They offered me a way out, a way for both of us. I... I was stupid, Carys. I thought I could do it, one more crime then I'm free. Out of that life, out of their control."

Carys's eyes stung with unshed tears. The memory of their shared moments, the laughter, the kisses, all tainted by the knowledge of the lie. Yet, a flicker of warmth remained, a testament to the fragile connection they'd shared.

Carys stood up, her voice firm despite the tremor running through it. "I can't forgive you, not yet. But..." she paused, her gaze locking with Eris's. "I understand why you did what you did."

A flicker of gratitude, a spark of hope, ignited in Eris's eyes. But Carys quickly extinguished it.

"This is goodbye, Eris. I can't visit you again. I can't... I can't pretend everything is okay."

Eris's face crumpled, the vulnerability breaking her heart anew. "Carys, please..."

But Carys was already turning away. With a final look, a mixture of sorrow and resolve etched on her face, she whispered, "Goodbye, Eris."

Carys left the prison, the weight of the world pressing down on her. The love, the betrayal, the lingering questions – they all swirled within her, a storm with no clear direction. But as she walked away, a single thought echoed in her mind – she would move forward, carrying the lessons learned, the scars a constant reminder of the darkness she'd faced, and the strength she'd found within herself.


The metallic clang of the cell door echoed through the sterile corridor, a harsh counterpoint to the symphony of clanging trays and muffled shouts emanating from within. Eris stumbled in, shoved roughly by a burly guard. The door slammed shut with a sickening thud, plunging her into a world bathed in dim fluorescent light.

The cell was a cramped concrete box, a single cot its only furnishing. The air hung heavy with the stench of stale sweat and disinfectant. A shiver wracked Eris's body, a stark contrast to the stifling heat that had clung to her throughout the processing. Her bravado, carefully cultivated during the trial, had evaporated, leaving behind a raw fear that gnawed at her insides.

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