Chapter 14: The Price of Deception

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The dusty air hung heavy in the interrogation room, thick with the scent of stale coffee and desperation. Detective Miller slammed a file shut, the sound echoing in the cramped space. Across the metal table sat Eris, eyes downward and shoulders hunched.

"Look, Ms. Webber," Miller said, his voice gruff but patient, "we both know this game. You cooperate, maybe you get a lighter sentence. You keep your mouth shut, well, let's just say your stay here won't be pleasant."

Eris licked her dry lips, her gaze flickering around the room like a trapped animal. This is all because of her anyways.

"Alright, alright," she stammered, "I'll talk. But you gotta guarantee my safety."

Miller leaned forward, his eyes narrowed. "Depends on what you tell me."

Eris launched into a nervous confession. She spilled the details of the kidnapping - the planning, the execution, the internal squabbles within the gang. She revealed their hideout, a secluded cabin nestled deep in the woods. Most importantly, she named the leader - Anita Khan, a woman known for her sharp mind and ruthless tactics.

"I called it in." Eris said, staring at Detective Miller.

"What are you talking about?"

"You received a phone call, two days ago, telling you to wait at the Avington's place and who the criminals are, right?" Eris asked, to which Detective Miller nodded.

"That was me, I called it in."

"You turned yourself and your own gang to the police? You do know you'll still get jail time right?" Detective Miller asked, leaning forward on his elbows.

"I-yes." Eris sighed, shoulders dropping.



The guilt gnawed at Eris like a starving beast. Each stolen moment with Carys, the laughter shared under the starlit sky, the raw vulnerability confessed by the riverbank - it all fueled the growing fire of regret within her. The initial thrill of the hefty ransom they'd anticipated, paled in comparison to the connection she'd forged with Carys, a connection that defied all expectations.

Eris had fallen for Carys, a complication she hadn't anticipated.

The last night with Carys, the air crackled with tension in their dingy motel room. Eris couldn't face Carys, not with the lie heavy on her tongue. Slipping out into the cool night air, she found Twitch by the flickering gaslight, a cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Twitch," Eris started, her voice rough with emotion, "I can't do it."

Twitch raised an eyebrow, a plume of smoke curling from his nostrils. "Can't do what? The job's almost done. You drop the girl off, collect the fat stacks from the old man, and you're finally free."

Eris shook her head, the image of Carys's tear-streaked face flashing before her eyes. "No Twitch, I won't do it, I can't. Just let Carys go."

Twitch scoffed. "Gone soft, have you, Eris? This is the life we signed up for. Besides, the boss won't be happy if we return empty-handed."

Eris brushed her hair back, "I'll pay you, the same amount we're expecting, whatever it takes. Just let Carys go."

A scoff rippled through the dark. Twitch tossed his cigarette on the ground and gripped Eris by the hair, pulling her face up.

"You think this is a game, Eris?" Twitch sneered, "We don't do refunds. You're in this until the end."

Eris's heart hammered against her ribs. "I can't," she pleaded. "This... this isn't what I signed up for." The desperation in her voice hung heavy in the air.

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