Chapter 15: The Price of Freedom

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The grand double doors of Avington Manor swung open, revealing a maelstrom of emotions on the faces gathered inside. Carys, still shaken but physically unharmed, found herself swept into a tight embrace by her mother, a woman whose tear-streaked face mirrored Carys's own churning turmoil.

"Carys, darling, thank God you're safe!" her mother cried, her voice thick with relief.

Carys clung to her mother, the warmth a stark contrast to the chilling truth she now carried. Eris, the woman who'd shared secrets and laughter, the woman who'd awakened feelings Carys hadn't dared dream of – she was a criminal. A gang member.

Her father, Mr. Avington, rushed towards her, his face a mask of what could be interpreted as relief or perhaps annoyance. "Carys, thank heavens you're safe! This whole ordeal has been a nightmare. We were beside ourselves with worry."

His words felt hollow, his embrace stiff and perfunctory. The relief in his voice seemed tinged with something else, a hint of frustration that the whole affair had disrupted his life.

Her gaze fell upon Agnes, her nanny since she was a baby. Agnes's weathered face creased with worry, her eyes reflecting a love that transcended words. Carys, overwhelmed by a sudden surge of emotion, buried her face in Agnes's embrace. The familiar scent of lavender and baked cookies offered a fleeting comfort amidst the storm raging within her.

Carys excused herself from the suffocating atmosphere of the reunion, seeking solace in the familiar warmth of her bedroom. Curled up on the window seat, she replayed the events of the past few days in her mind, each memory of Eris now tainted by the harsh light of reality.

Had their connection been genuine, or had it all been a calculated act? The shared laughter, the stolen glances under the starry sky – were they all part of the elaborate lie? The tears welled up again, hot and angry.

Carys's heart ached not just for the betrayal, but for the loss of the future she'd dared to dream of with Eris.

As the initial shock subsided, a cold wave of anger washed over Carys. Eris, the woman she'd opened her heart to, had been part of the very gang that had kidnapped her. The betrayal was a bitter pill to swallow, leaving behind a gaping hole of confusion and disillusionment.

With eyes closed, a single, heartbreaking question echoed in the silence of her mind: Who could she trust now?


Carys wandered through the sprawling stables, the familiar scent of hay and leather a balm to her raw emotions. Here, amidst the gentle snorts and soft nickers of her horses, was the only solace she found within the vast, echoing halls of Avington Manor. These magnificent creatures, with their soulful eyes and calming presence, were the only ones who hadn't disappointed her, the only ones who offered unconditional love and acceptance.

She approached Peaches, her favorite Arabian mare, whose coat shone like burnished copper in the afternoon sun. Peaches whickered softly, nudging Carys's hand with her velvet nose, seeking the familiar caress. Carys wrapped her arms around the mare's neck, burying her face in the horse's thick mane. Tears welled up again, hot and silent as she poured out the jumble of emotions churning within her.

"Eris lied to me, Peaches," she whispered, her voice thick with betrayal. "She wasn't who I thought she was. This whole time, it was all a game."

Peaches nuzzled Carys's cheek, a gesture of silent understanding. Carys clung to the mare, finding comfort in the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.

As she regained some semblance of composure, Carys noticed Pippin, her miniature Shetland pony, watching her from across the stable. The little horse, with his shaggy black coat and inquisitive eyes, trotted over, nudging her hand with his soft muzzle.

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