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AS the clock struck 8, signaling the commencement of the awaited event, all the guests had gathered, contributing to the vibrant atmosphere. Kaka, with a meticulous focus, dedicatedly prepared Anirudh for the ceremony, ensuring his appearance was impeccable. With utmost care, Kaka guided Anirudh, leading him gracefully towards the venue.

The grand entrance of Chandrachur and his family marked a significant moment. Kaka, with a determined demeanor, accompanied them to the entrance where they were positioned. Chandrachur, portraying politeness, clasped his hands in a greeting gesture and offered a warm smile. However, beneath the surface, there was a subtle smirk on Chandrachur's face as his gaze fixed upon Anirudh.

Anirudh, catching Chandrachur's smile, responded with a nonchalant roll of his eyes, displaying indifference. Unperturbed, he deliberately distanced himself from the formal greetings, choosing to stand aside, unaffected by the social niceties unfolding around him.

As time elapsed, Chandrachur and his family gracefully settled into their designated places. The moment arrived to summon Bondita for the engagement ceremony, prompting Sumati to proceed to her room and escort her to the hall.

As the sands of time continued their relentless march, Chandrachur and his family gracefully assumed their designated positions, settling into the ceremony's unfolding narrative. The pivotal moment to summon Bondita for the engagement had arrived, compelling Sumati to venture to her room and guide her to the hall.

Upon her entrance into the hall, a palpable hush fell over the assembled guests. Anirudh, casting his gaze upon Bondita, couldn't contain the welling emotions within, a solitary tear escaping his eyes, silently narrating the inner turmoil.

Bondita, adorned with tears and burdened by the weight of the occasion, stood before Chandrachur, acknowledging the inevitable path laid out for her.

Meanwhile, hidden behind a facade of civility, Chandrachur wore a smirk that betrayed a darker narrative. In the recesses of his thoughts, he reveled in a sense of accomplishment, convinced that the culmination of years of machinations had now materialized.

His gaze, however, took an unsettling turn, scrutinizing Bondita with a lascivious intent. Within the confines of his mind, he reduced her worth to superficial judgments, deeming her solely as an object of desire, overshadowing the sanctity of the impending union with disturbing thoughts and intentions.

As the hands of the clock continued their steady march, Anirudh, the astute observer, couldn't help but notice Chandrachur's gaze fixated on Bondita. However, this wasn't an ordinary gaze; it carried an unsettling intensity that raised Anirudh's concern. A disquieting undercurrent accompanied Chandrachur's seemingly pleasant smile - a subtle, but unmistakable, lustful smirk that betrayed unsavory intentions.

Anirudh, sensing something amiss, felt a surge of unease. The realization dawned upon him that Chandrachur's gaze wasn't one of genuine admiration; rather, it held an objectifying quality that left a bitter taste. A wave of anger swelled within Anirudh, fueled by the protective instinct to shield Bondita from such predatory scrutiny.

Despite the escalating turmoil within him, Anirudh opted for restraint, a silent witness to the unsettling scene unfolding before him. The internal conflict between his rising anger and the need to maintain decorum manifested in a tension-laden atmosphere. Anirudh grappled with the desire to confront Chandrachur and the wisdom to bide his time, ensuring that the sanctity of the engagement ceremony was preserved.

As Bondita stood before Chandrachur, unaware of the malevolent undertones, Anirudh's silent vigilance underscored a brewing storm of emotions. The unspoken tension between the two men added an intricate layer to the unfolding events, leaving a palpable air of unease that lingered throughout the engagement ceremony.

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