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In the hustle and bustle of the city, Shivani was laying on the drive way, bleeding uncontrollably, unconscious. The security team of the office took charge of the situation and immediately directs towards the best hospital. The urgency in their eyes mirrored the intensity of the situation.

Meanwhile, at home, Haseena glanced at the clock, wondering why Shivani is so late? Shivani was supposed to be home an hour ago. A worry crept into Haseena's mind. Just as she was about to call Shivani, her phone buzzed with a call from the security team.

"Ma'am, there's an emergency. Shivani ma'am is being rushed to the hospital!" the security personnel informed in a rushed tone.

Haseena's heart skipped a beat. "What happened? Is she okay?" She questioned, her voice betraying the concern she tried to suppress.

The security team member replied quickly, "Shivani ma'am is being shot. We're on our way to the hospital. But we'll keep you updated. Please reach there as soon as possible." before disconnecting the call.

Fear gripped Haseena as she grabbed her car keys, rushing towards the hospital. Her mind raced with worry, and she couldn't understand who might have shot Shivani. The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity, every passing second intensifying her anxiety.

As Haseena's car screeched to a halt at the hospital entrance, her security team co-incidentally synchronized their arrival. Haseena, with a mixture of worry and determination, rushed into the hospital with Shivani being on the stretcher. Haseena barged in the emergency room, her heart pounding. Shivani lay unconscious on the hospital bed, surrounded by medical equipment. Panic washed over Haseena as she approached Shivani, desperately calling her name.

"Shivani! What happened? Kis ne kiya... Bas ek baar naam boldo... Usko aur uski duniya khatam kar denge. Shivi... Kuch toh kaho..." Haseena's voice trembled with a mix of fear and anger.

Shivani remained unresponsive, lost in the depths of unconsciousness. Haseena's eyes darted between Shivani and the medical staff, seeking answers. The doctor, recognizing Haseena's distress, tried to calm her.

"Hum humara best karenge ma'am. Please give us some time." The doctor said with empathy.

"Ma'am, we'll inform you as soon as we have an update. Please wait in the waiting area," the nurse reassured her, understanding the distress on Haseena's face.

Unable to contain her rising anger, Haseena went outside and turned to her security team. "Secure this place. Find out what happened. No one enters or leaves without my permission. Hume CCTV footage abhi chahiye. Get lost!"

The security team swiftly took charge, securing entrances and ensuring the hospital's safety. Haseena's eyes burned with a fierce determination, her mind racing with questions about who could have harmed Shivani.

Minutes felt like hours as Haseena's impatience grew. The hospital corridor echoed with her footsteps as she paced back and forth, frustration etched across her face. When the doctor finally emerged from Shivani's room.

Haseena approached with a fierce intensity. "Tell me what happened to her!" she demanded, her eyes piercing through the doctor.

The doctor explained the situation, revealing that Shivani had been shot and needs to go undergo an immediate surgery and goes back, taking Shivani into the operation theatre. Haseena's fists clenched with rage, and her eyes blazed with an unforgiving fire. The news fueled her anger, and she vowed to find whoever was responsible for hurting the person who means so much to her.

As Haseena's anger surged, her security team stood ready, prepared to carry out her commands. The hospital, now under Haseena's command, awaited the storm that was about to unfold. Receiving a message, Haseena's phone beeped, revealing a video capturing the moment Shivani was shot. Reacting swiftly, she opened the message, meticulously analyzing every detail, and zoomed in to identify the assailant.

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