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Hello guys,

Here is the newest chapter of His Sanity. Please do vote and comment. Also follow me on Instagram to get more updates.

I have also uploaded the first chapter of His Hoor, please shower the same love and support for Salah and Sabah 💖.


Now read and enjoy 🤍

Now read and enjoy 🤍

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I read the letter in my hand for the nth time and tightened it in a fist because it was not something I should receive on my wedding day. I should be happy and excited to get married to the most beautiful and innocent girl in the world, but rather I'm confused as hell. No, dont take me wrong, I'm not saying this because I have a lover whome I love to death, it's nothing like that. I again looked at the letter and my blood boiled thinking about the person who dared to send this letter to me, The future King of Rajasthan.

" Vicky yaar, please get ready fast, it's time for Bharat " said no whined my not so patient bestie Vihaan Malhotra.

But I royally ignored him and went towards my bedside table and placed the letter safely inside it.

I again looked around my room and sighed, this was my safe heaven for as much as I remembered, and now I'm not sure of it. I shouldn't be Marrying Siya today because she will be in danger. But I  don't know,  the thought of not get to call her as mine made a lumb form in my throat. I felt a sudden emptiness washing over me. As much as I want to protect her, I want her to be my wife more than that.

"Are you ready beta?" I came out of my thoughts when Maa and Papa entered my chamber.

I went towards them and bend down to take their blessings.

" Always be happy and keep our daughter happy "  My parents said in unison.

That's where I'm confused dad, because to make her happy I have to keep her safe,and to keep her safe I have to make her cry.

Am I doing right by marrying her and dragging her into my mess?

But the thought of not having her as my wife will eat me alive, because she have been in my whole being since the day I met her for the first time.

" Yes papa, I will " I said with determination to protect my wife and to kill whoever that comes between us.

" I'm so happy today beta, we are getting a daughter after fifteen years. Even though we lost our precious lotous, we will protect Siya with everything. " Maa said while her eyes filled with water.

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