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Hey Guys,

First of all SORRY for keeping you wait for so long. Actually I was busy with my brother's wedding, that's why I couldn't update regularly, but don't worry I'll try to update on time from now on. But for that you guys also have to do one thing, just complete the little tasks I will give you. So that is just

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After receiving blessings from the priest and elders me and my wife went to our friends

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After receiving blessings from the priest and elders me and my wife went to our friends.


She is my wife now and that thought alone is giving me goosebumps and fucking butterflies in my belly.

" Congratuations to you both " our friends said together,and I just nodded my head in reply. And then something happened which had me looking at the four girls standing in front of me weirdly.
One second they were smiling and hooting for us and the next moment the four were tackling eachother into a group hug and was crying, and the reason unknown to us boys.We four looked at eachother dumbfounded.

What the hell is happening here?

I looked at Abhi who was looking at Kia with a worried expression on his face.

Fucking whipped man.

You are saying as if you are any better. My subconscious mind mocked me.

After some minutes they became normal and broke the hugg.

"What happened sunflower? Why did you cried?" asked my love sick puppy who otherwise know as Abhimanyu Singhania to his beloved fiance.

"Nothing Maan, it's just we are feeling so happy" Kia said in a comforting tone.

Well, Women are CONFUSING.

My wife's bidaai was not like how I expected it would be. Sure there had lot of crying and cheering, teasing and all, but the only genuine emotions I felt the above mentioned all was on her brother's and bestfriend's face. I don't know why but I felt like their family was relieved to send her away from her home. Like they are tired of being with her.

I don't know how can someone get tired of being with this angel, My angel.

If it was upto me I would always keep her close to my heart so that I can listen to her - the reason of my existence- heartbeats,and she can witness the effect she have on me.

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