Haha, I Use Humor As A Coping Mechanism!

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"What are you scared-? Little fuckin' puss boy, yeah?"

Tommy was a lot of things,

and he would admit to being a lot of things,

but a pussy

was not one of them.


"Tommy." The woman dragged, disappointedly.

It was the third time he was in her office this month. Same chair, same social worker, and same head in her hands.

Same situation.

Someone runs their mouth, catches Tommy in a bad mood and

'Uh oh! I may have hospitalized another orphan.'

But thats the least of Tommy's problems.

Its his only source of entertainment in the bland building.

"Listen, Puffy, I know what you're going to say, but hear me out this time-"

"Tomathy, I always 'hear you out' and nothing that comes out of your mouth is worth reason."

'Well thats a bit rude.'

"Okay, but Jared started it!'

"Oh did he now?" Puffy replied, her tone dead as to not wanting to entertain Tommy's excuses.

"Yeah! He tripped me on purpose and embarrassed me in front of anyone! And I know you've talked to me about my anger issues, and I fully wasn't going to do anything about it but Jared kicked me and called me a pussy, and Tommy Danger Kraken Innit is no pussy!"

Tommy's reasoning obviously wasn't good enough for Puffy, since her faced was still laced with the "Disappointed mother-glare" she would give him every time he got in trouble.

"Tommy, you can't keep on getting into fights like this. It leaves a bad reputation on you and we have to put these kinds of things in your files and-"

"And it makes people not want to adopt me, I know, you gave me this speech like what-? Twenty plus times? Puffy, does it even matter anymore? Im almost eighteen, plus, who would want to adopt me?"

Tommy rolled his eyes, his tongue turning bitter at the end.

"Like you said, my history's fucked up as is." Tommy spat, crossing his arms.

Puffy's disappointed expression fell and she sighed, holding her hand out to grab Tommy's.

Tommy flinched but showed no further reaction.

Puffy is the only person who was allowed to grab Tommy's hand without getting decked across the face.


Puffy said, gaining the blondes attention.

"I.. got in contact with someone."

Tommy raised an eyebrow at Puffy,

"Someone willing to foster you."

Tommy scoffed immediately and Puffy cut off Tommy's next words by squeezing his hand,

"Someone I now and personally trust."

Tommy back tracked and let both of his hands fall to his lap.

Puffy, gaining enough reassurance to know Tommy was actually listening, continued,

"This isn't his first time fostering. He has fostered twice before you and has adopted both kids."

"Were these kids fuck-ups who have been rejected by twenty-three foster homes-? You know Puffy, I kept count, and my current record is four times in one month." Tommy spat harshly.

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