I Have Daddy Issues, But Im Positive About It ;3

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Tommy was having a shit load of fun with the neighbor kid.

They didn't even know each others names, and yet were studying the ant pile together like they were normal friends.

Well, you probably wouldn't discuss the use of gunpowder with a normal friend, but you get the point.

"So.. why are we blowing up the ant pile again?" Tommy whispered, kneeling the same way the stranger was.

"They were trying to eat that bee's body over there." He said, pointing to a small bee body on a different section of grass.



"We should make a funeral for him." Tommy said, looking up at the smaller brunette.

The kid with the overalls solemnly smiled.

Carefully stretching down, he scooped the bee up with two careful hands, "Yeah."

Tommy nodded and got to work digging up a small hole somewhere in the back of the strangers yard, and when the kid gave the 'okay' Tommy stopped and they both saluted as he placed the bee in the hole.

They got to work refilling the dirt over the hole and the stranger plucked a small flower and placed it over the grave.

"He was a good man."

"A good man indeed." Tommy nodded in agreement.

The kid looked at Tommy before nodding, "I like you."

"I like you too." Tommy grinned.

"Tubbo." Tubbo said, sticking his hand out.

"Tommy." Tommy replied, shaking Tubbo's hand vigorously and they both laughed.

"You live next door?" Tubbo asked, sitting on the grass.

Tommy sat down next to Tubbo, "Sort of. They're fostering me." Tommy replied, gesturing to the house on the other side of the fence.

Tubbo hummed.

"Yeah." Tommy said, picking at a blade of grass.

"How do you like it there so far?" Tubbo asked.

"Eh, its okay I guess."

"Thats fair. I know fostering can be a pain. Hey, if you ever need just hop over the fence and you can chill here. My dad's basically never here or passed out drunk, and my Pa visits periodically, but he's chill."

Tubbo added, flailing his hand up and down.

"Sick." Tommy grinned.

"Yeah!" Tubbo agreed, tilting his head.

"But I think you should be fine. Mr. Minecraft's a chill dude, he even lets me into his office on New Year's since his office is soundproof. Maybe we can hang out then!"

Tommy tilted his head, "Why do you into his office on New Year's?"

"Oh. I'm assuming you've already realized my face is a little fucked up. I'm blind in one eye and partially deaf in one ear due to an accident with fireworks."

Tubbo pointed to the 'warped' side of his face and Tommy winced.

"My dad gets kind of drunk like- all the time so he doesn't pay attention to me and all the fireworks kind of trigger me. Phil let me hangs out in his office since the fireworks are muffled!"

Oh wow.. that is.. sad.

"If i'm being honest, the scars make you look badass."

"Thanks! I try not to think about em too much, but y'know thats kind of hard when its the reason why everyone stares at me. Thats why I hang out here with the bee's. They don't judge, they're just.. chill, y'know?"

"Yeah I get it." Tommy nodded.

Tubbo smiled and Tommy smiled back at him.

"Got a favorite insect?" Tubbo asked.

"Hmm.. spiders. But moths easily take second place." Tommy stated.

"OH MY GOD DO YOU KNOW SILK MOTHS?" Tubbo jumped up immediately.

"THE REALLY FLUFFY ONES!?" Tommy yelled with the same energy.




-Super fucking cool

-Has a sick ass scar

-loves bees

-spends ninety percent of his life outside

-knows a lot more about nuclear warfare then one should

-daddy issues

-doesn't do well with fireworks

-favorite color: Green

Tommy thought as he grabbed Clementine from the chair and back inside the house.

Just five minutes earlier Tommy was called inside for dinner after about three hours of hanging out with his new best friend.

Not above Clem, but close behind.

When Tommy left, Tubbo got him to download discord so they could talk more while Tubbo's visiting his pa's house, or just whenever.

When Tommy sat down at the dinner table he immediately knew something was wrong with the tense air in the house.

He looked up from his plate when he heard Philza let out one of those 'attention-grabbing coughs.'

Oh great, what you do this time?

"Tommy, where did you go earlier? I called you and you didn't answer." Phil asked.

Tommy was expecting for Philza to sound more angry, but instead he sounded more.. concerned.

"Oh. I was just hanging out with the neighbor kid." Tommy said, not looking at Phil and just twirling his fork around the plate.

'Not eating this either.'

"Thats fine Tommy, but if you are going to leave the house, could at please let one of us know?"

Is it that big of a deal-?

"Right.." Tommy said, slowly losing his appetite.

"Okay. Im just making sure you know because its very important for someone to know where you're at so we don't worry."

Worry about losing the foster kid.

"Okay, sir, i'm aware- may I- I'm not that hungry anymore i'm just gonna- excuse myself." Tommy felt rocks pool in his stomach and decided that was enough, and scurried his way up the stairs.

You called him sir-?

'I panicked, shut the hell up.'

Opening his door, Tommy shut and locked it, pulling Clementine to his chest.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

His eyes began to sting and he scoffed, hiding his face behind the fluffy moth.

You've dealt with so much worse confrontation before, why are you crying now? Its not that big of a deal anyway-

'I KNOW! JUST- Just.. shut up.'

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