Wilbur Has A Stash, But Dont Tell Him I Told You.

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Tommy doesn't remember much of last night.

So he's not entirely sure on how he ended up in his room. His room-? Nope, still on the mission of getting kicked out.

His.. temporary room.

Yeah, he's at a hotel.

Sharing a hotel with a old man, quiet anime kid (pink hair) and.. Wilbur, who seems just to be weird in general.

They're all weird. Philza especially.

Using his elbows to prop himself up, he turned to the nightstand with the digital clock.


Why is he up at this time of night-? Tommy doesn't know himself.

He felt his stomach growl. Ah.

He didn't eat anything yesterday.. or the day before that.

He's gone longer without food, so he doesn't understand why his body's complaining and why he's giving into it now, but maybe these people have some small snack Tommy could eat.

Pulling the blankets over his body, he tiptoed out of his room, cringing at the creaking sound the door made.

Tommy looked down the hallway, right, stairs.

Wooden stairs.

'Fuck me dude.'

Taking careful step after careful step, Tommy silently celebrated his victory at the end of the stairs.

Still tiptoeing across the house he flinched harshly at a monotone voice.

"What are you doing."

Flicking around Tommy realized it was just his other foster brother, Techno.

'That's pretty menacing for the first words you hear come out of this guys mouth.'

"Well- what are you doing." Tommy asked, finally figuring out through the dark that Techno was sat on the sofa.

He could feel Techno's glare burn through his skin, 'I feel as if I said the wrong thing-'

"Reading. Now answer my question."

"How are you reading-? It's pitch black."

"Your turn to answer my question."

'Jeez chill out, I'm not here to murder anyone.'

"I just- woke up because I was hungry." Tommy said, pulling at the collar of his sweater.

'Did that please the court-?'

After a while, Techno hummed.

"There's snacks in the pantry. Wilbur keeps a stash of candy behind a basket on the floor, if you want any. Don't tell him I told you that though." Techno said, looking back down at his book.


"I can keep a secret."

"Sure hope so."

Tommy didn't question what Techno meant by that and walked his way into the pantry, feeling for a switch and flicking it on.

Noticing a straw basket on the floor, Tommy moved it to the side and lo and behold, the jackpot.

"Holy." Tommy muttered, grabbing a handful of candy and kicking the basket back in place, using his nose to turn the pantry light off and foot to shut the door.

Techno looked up at Tommy who had a pile of candy in his hands and nodded.

"There should be a shoe box in the closet of your room. You can hide the candy there. If you don't eat it all at once that is." Techno said, again going back to his book, 'and how does he read in the dark-?'

"Thanks." Tommy said, admiring his stash.

Techno hummed.

Making sure he didn't drop anything, Tommy tiptoed his way back up the stairs, opening the door to the temporary room and threw all the candy onto his bed.

'Shoebox..' Tommy thought to himself, opening a closet door to find, yup, empty shoebox.

Tommy left one candy out for him and shoved the rest into the box, hiding it under his bed.

Unwrapping the candy and popping it into his mouth he fell back onto the bed.

Tommy hid himself under the sheets, alright time to sleep.

Twenty minutes later, Tommy was still not asleep, looking into nothingness.

Tommy groaned before shuffling into his small bag that was placed at the side of his bed.

Shoveling through he stuff blindly he beamed when he felt a small softness under his hand, yanking it with him onto the bed.

"Hello Clementine! Sorry you had to be there for so long. This is where we're staying for a bit." Tommy said, pulling the stuffed moth into his chest.

"I'm trying to go to sleep, but nothing seems to be working." He whispered to the moth.

Yes, Tommy is a big an independent man, but Clementine is his life long companion, that he may or may not have found on the side of the road, but they have been bound to each other ever since.

He remembers kicking a kid in the balls for taking Clementine from him.

"Fond memories Clem, fond memories." Tommy smiled, petting the moths fluff.

"We should go to sleep. I'll show you around the house tomorrow." Tommy declared, hiding Clementine under his chin.

"Goodnight Clem."


A soft knock awoke Tommy and he groaned.

He has to admit, that was some of the best sleep he has had in a while, but the thought of getting up was struggling.

"Did you hear that Clem? I didn't." Tommy whispered to her.

After getting comfortable in the bed again there was another louder knock.

"Tommy?" Philza asked from the other side of the door.

Muttering incoherent curse words to the older Tommy yelled back, "I'm up!"

"Oh alright. I was just wondering since you don't have anything new yet, if you wanted to go shopping?"

'Free shit.'

"Uhm- sure, when- when are we going-?" Tommy asked, throwing the blankets over him, Clementine still close.

"I was thinking some time after breakfast."

"Okay- sure." Tommy replied, waiting for Philza's steps to be far enough away before exiting the room.

After deeming the old man gone, Tommy opened the door and exited the hall, down the stairs.

When he got down, Wilbur was on the phone with someone while Techno was in the kitchen making pancakes.

Wilbur stopped mid conversation to look at Tommy, "Good morning." Wilbur nodded.

Oh shit, yeah, people say that.

Tommy nodded back to Wilbur, good enough yeah?

Tommy looked to Techno who gave Tommy a good morning in a nod and Tommy sent one back.

'That was easy.'

Techno nodded his head over, gesturing Tommy to the dining table and Tommy pulled out a seat.

Alright, round two.

Try.. not to make a scene again.

Techno walked over to Tommy with a plate in his hands.

"How much pancakes would you like?" He asked.

'Oh shit. Easy win I guess.'

"Just.. one please?" Tommy leaned back, hopefully that was okay?

'Maybe he felt offended that you didn't want his cooking-'

Techno nodded and came back with a one pancake on the plate and a few fruits on the side.


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