Are You- Are You On The Floor-?

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After zoning out for what felt like hours, a knock came from outside the door.

"What." Tommy yelled, his voice muffled by the pillows his face was smashed into.

"Dinners ready. Dad was wondering if you wanted to eat with us or in your room?" He recognized Wilbur's voice.

'I have a choice?'

'Eh doesn't matter. Eating with them will probably higher my chances of them pissing me off. Good to know what I'm working with.'

"I'll be down." Tommy called out after some thinking.

"Okay!" He heard footsteps get further away and let out an exaggerated sigh before pushing himself off the bed.

He had to admit, the bed was very comfortable.

Anyways, Tommy stood at the door mentally preparing before swinging it open.

Walking down the stairs rather loudly, he saw Techno and Philza setting up the dinner table.

"Glad to see you joining us Tommy." The old blonde smiled.

"Right." Tommy said, looking around to see what was made.

If Tommy was being honest with you, he doesn't have the best history with food.

Most of it ends up in the toilet, so I guess it really doesn't matter what Philza had prepared.

He watched as Techno placed a plate down, potatoes, chicken, and carrots on the plate.

Last time he saw a meal like this, he was forced to watch instead of eat, so he was surprised when a fourth plate was added to the table.

"Anything particular you'd like to drink?"
Philza asked, walking back into the kitchen. Tommy didn't realize the question was towards him until Wilbur and Techno glanced at Tommy from his silence.

"-Oh- uhm, water." Tommy flinched and Philza nodded.

'You can stop staring nowww'

Tommy fiddled with his hands, pinching one of them till the skin went red.

Philza placed a water bottle on the table along with a glass of something else and a soda can.

"You can come sit now." He said, giving Tommy a small questioning look before sitting at the 'head' of the table.

"Right." Tommy muttered to himself.

'Damn it, stop being so anxious, this isn't what you're supposed to be doing!' Tommy yelled to himself.

Dragging the chair next to Wilbur's back, Tommy sat down.

Tommy was expecting everyone to hold their hands in prayer or something before eating but instead everyone just- began eating?

'Hey, at least you don't have to relive that again.'

Tommy looked down at his food.

Am I even hungry?

Do you need the food?

I'm pretty sure I already ate earlier

Have you looked in a mirror?

Yeah, I think I already ate something earlier.

While staring down at the food he felt eyes watching him.

'They're not looking'
Are they looking?
They're judging you.
They're going to make you eat it.
Don't not eat it, it's rude.
That's disrespectful.
This is why you got kicked out so many times.
This is why they left you.

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