"Omg wow bitches get pulled also your dad is a literal ass"

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The only reason Tommy has stayed in the Minecraft's house was solely because of the neighbor kid.

Back in the other foster homes, Tommy was never allowed to leave the house or ever stayed long enough to even see the neighbors.

Now that he was able to hang out with someone he wasn't forced to (like foster siblings or other orphans) he actually think's he could make an genuine friend.

Tommy and Tubbo are insanely similar but polar opposites at the same time. It fascinated Tommy with how easily they agreed and disagreed in the most strange arguments.

In fact, more times than not, Tommy was visiting Tubbo's house than in his own foster home.

At first, Tommy would just hop over the fence and walk into Tubbo's house (the sliding door was always unlocked) but after a while Tubbo told him that the front door was usually open, so he started to use the door like a normal civilized person (and not because one time while hopping over the fence he misplaced his foot and fell face first into one of Tubbo's 'cool stick' piles).

When Tommy started walking through the front door he never questioned the hundreds of cheap beer bottles littering the floor or the old, passed out man on Tubbo's couch, snoring ever too loudly.

Tubbo didn't seem to bat an eye at the man on the couch and easily maneuvered over the unkept house so Tommy didn't either. They spent most of their time in Tubbo's room anyway.

Tommy didn't mean to, but he internally gasped when he first walked into Tubbo's room. It severely contrasted with every other part of the house. It was nicely kept aside from a few too-big clothing items, but for a teenagers room that was expected.

A good eighty percent of his room was dominated by a long line of shelves which had items ranged from tiny animal skulls, cool leaves, rocks, and polaroids. Half of the polaroids were pictures of different types of nature while the other half were pictures of people, all people Tommy couldn't identify.

None of which were pictures of the man downstairs, Tommy noted, but never spoke anything out loud to Tubbo.

One time, while Tommy was at his house, he got jumpscared by a short, black haired man swiftly grabbing him by his collar and raising a fist to his face asking questions like "how and why are you here!?".

Tubbo heard the commotion and ran downstairs to save Tommy, quickly explaining to his (other father apparently) that Tommy was a friend and not a burglar.

His other father ("Call me Quackity") "oh"'d and dropped Tommy, apologizing. ("Nah, that takes too long.. how bout.. Big Q") Tommy told him it was fine but even after knowing Quackity for a few days and actually getting along with him, he wouldn't admit that Quackity frightened him quite the bit.

Other than their strange meeting, Tommy found out that Big Q was strangely chill for an adult. Tommy recognized Quackity in some of Tubbo's polaroids, like one were he was wide eyed at a baby duck in his hands like it was the most precious being in the world.

That wasn't the only time Tommy was jumpscared by a strange person being at Tubbo's house.

Like today for example.


"Phil I'm going to Tubbo's." Tommy said, walking to the front door, shoving one shoe onto his foot.

"The neighbors again?" Phil asked, placing the knife he was using to cut carrots down on the chopping board.

Tommy hummed, successfully shoving the other shoe onto his right foot.

Phil sighed, raising an eyebrow, "Will you be back before dinner?"

"Uhm probably not." Tommy replied, shrugging when Phil gave him a poorly hidden frown, "It's fine, Quackity's probably gonna order pizza again."

"Tommy, you know Tubbo's dad isn't always home."

"I know, but even if he isn't he always leaves Tubbo money for food." Tommy said, slowly growing impatient for the okay to leave. If Philza didn't let him go in less than thirty seconds Tommy will just leave the house on his own.

"It's fine, bye Phil." Tommy said, wrapping his hand on the door handle. When Phil didn't say anything to stop him he opened the door and quickly exited the house.

Muttering a few words under his breath Tommy hopped porches, leaving nicely decorated front lawn to bare minimum bird feeder.

Smiling when he got to the porch he reached for the door, which as usual, was unlocked.

Stepping into the house and closing the door behind him, Tommy stopped in his tracks.

There was a freakishly tall figure hunched over on one of the kitchen bar stools with a comically large amount of spaghetti falling from the boys mouth. The sound of the door must of alerted him as he and the Tommy had a staring contest, only stopping when spaghetti sauce fell from the tallers chin in which said person silently cursed in response.

"Who are you." Tommy asked, his tone empty.

"Ranboo... who are you." 'Ranboo' replied, tone almost as empty as Tommy's.


"Cool, uh cool, uhm... so uh..why are you here? I mean, I know Schlatt usually leaves the door unlocked but that doesn't mean it's like.. open for anyone to come in..?" Ranboo asked, wiping sauce from his mouth.

"I'm Tubbo's friend...Why are you here?" Tommy asked, shifting his weight as he still stood awkwardly at the front door.

"I'm Toby's boyfriend." Ranboo replied and they fell back into a silent staring contest, Ranboo's brows furrowed while Tommy stared at him blankly.


"Uhm.. yeah.."

Tubbo never said anything about having a boyfriend, or even other friends in the first place but in his defense Tommy never brought it up.

Getting back to the comfort of the Schlatt household, Tommy kicked his shoes off to the corner and sat on the counter in front of Ranboo.

Ranboo looked up at Tommy while Tommy looked down at him and began their common occurrence of awkwardly silent staring contests.

Noticing Ranboo's mixed eye colors of one dull grey and one green Tommy smiled, "I like your eyes."


Really looking at Ranboo now, Tommy noticed he was an odd fellow, mixed eyes, dual colored hair half black half white and a questioning fashion sense that oddly suited him. Tommy found it comedic and actually quite liked it.

"I like your hair. Dye it yourself?" Tommy asked, kicking his feet back and forth.

"Uhm, yeah."

"That's cool. I've always wanted to dye my hair but I've never been able to get ahold of dye." Tommy said, grabbing a piece of his brown hair and staring at it.

"Never thought the brown suited me." Tommy said, mindlessly rolling the piece of his hair with two fingers.

Ranboo seemed to think down at his plate of spaghetti before looking back at Tommy.

"Tubbo might have some extra blonde..?" Ranboo said and Tommy quickly looked back to Ranboo.

"Do you think you could do it for me?" Tommy quickly asked, smiling.

"Uh.. sure. Uhm.. would your parents mind?"

"Uh probably."

"Oh... should we still do it anyway?"


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