Philza's An Ancient Man With Zero Bitches.

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Tommy has decided it.

He does not like Philza Minecraft.

As expected, Philza is old, (33) and laughs at everything.

Even when Tommy was being serious.

Tommy has already given Philza three death threats and Philza has laughed at all of them.

He makes shitting on him insanely difficult.

But, Tommy does not give up, and Tommy will not give up.

Even as he currently is stuffing his little belongings into his bag and Philza is signing papers in a different room, he will make this old mans life a living hell.

So much that Tommy will be sent back, and Tommy will prove to Puffy that he isn't worth the struggle.

He turns eighteen in sixth months, he really shouldn't even be considered for fostering, but alas.

A small knock on the door alerted Tommy, "Tommy, Phil's ready."

Tommy straightened his back and shoved his pocket knife into his bag, "Coming!"

Opening the door Puffy stood outside warmly smiling.

'Old people and smiling, I swear-'

"Well, as much as I'll miss you, I hope to see you in a different circumstance." Puffy grinned, patting his back.

"You know, that almost sounds insulting." Tommy pointed out and Puffy rolled her eyes as they walked outside of the building, "You know what I mean."

Puffy grabbed Tommy's shoulders and turned him around, "Now remember, if you ever need anything you can always contact me."

"Course' Puffster." Tommy replied, a small smile on his face.

Puffy opened her arms and tilted her head.

Tommy gladly accepted the embrace.

Even though he knows he'll be back soon, he cant reject a hug from Puffy.

Puffy let go and looked to Phil who was standing in front of his car.

"Well then. See you never?"

"In your dreams."


You could say Tommy's social battery drained as soon as he slumped into Philza's car.

Its almost taunting, the routine he lived in,

Get into a car, drive to a strangers place, stay there a week max, get sent back.

Nothing absurd to him, but at some point it gets boring.

"Do you mind if I turn on the radio?" Philza asked after five minutes of silence.

Tommy was about so say no just to spite the man but he doesn't really know how much longer he could sit in awkward silence. Plus, no other foster 'parent' asked him that, so making he'll take advantage of this just once.

"Sure." Tommy muttered.

Philza smiled and pushed a button to turn the radio on.

Tommy didn't pay attention to the lyrics spewing out of the machine and just used the music to fill the void of his head while he looked out the window.

He didn't realize that they made it to their destination until he felt the car slowing down.

Now fully aware of the situation he examined the house.

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