You, Me, And My Poggers Lightening McQueen Lamborghini.

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After breakfast that went.. surprisingly well, Philza ordered everyone to get ready.

Tommy didn't really have much for a change of clothes, so he just wore the same sweater as yesterday with a change of pants.

His clothes weren't in the best condition, but he took pride in them since they were at least better than half the kids in the foster system.

His red converse were pretty beaten up, but he had left his other pair of shoes at an old foster home and was definitely not getting them back.

He sighed, grabbing Clementine from of the drawer.

"This'll be you're first time at a store, Clem." Tommy told her, opening the door.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone touch you." Tommy reassured the moth, walking down the stairs.

Wilbur and Techno were sitting on the sofa, Techno scrolling on his phone while Wilbur just sat, hands in his lap.

"We're waiting for Phil." Wilbur told Tommy, who plopped himself on the opposite side of the sofa, away from the twins.

"Okay." Tommy said, dragging his hand though his brown hair. It was getting a bit long.. maybe he should cut it.

"Boys! You ready?" Phil asks, stepping into the living room. Everyone nodded and exited the house.

Phil drove while Techno called shotgun, leaving Tommy and Wilbur in the back.

"How about we go to the mall?" Phil asked, starting the car.

"Only if we eat at the food court." Wilbur grinned, tapping the back of Phil's seat. Phil shooed' Wilbur's hand away and looked to Tommy, "That sound alright?"

"Yeah- uhm... Sure." Tommy said, leaning his head on the window, stuffing his head behind Clementine.

Phil softly smiled and nodded, "Alright then."

After Techno started playing classical music through the speakers, Tommy felt a tap on his shoulder.

Tommy opened one eye to see Wilbur grinning and waving at him.

Tommy awkwardly waved back.

"I see you've got a friend!" Wilbur pointed to the moth.

"Oh yeah.." Tommy said, squeezing Clementine closer.

He had the moth taken away from him once since "Toys are for babies."

He was not letting it happen again.

"What's its name-?" Wilbur asked, instead of laughing at Tommy for acting like a child.

"Uhm.. her names Clementine." Tommy replied.

"That's cool. Can I say hi?" Wilbur said, leaning down to look at the moth.

Tommy gave Wilbur a questioning look and Wilbur backed up.

"I have a friend too! His names.. well, friend. He's a blue sheep. I don't have him on me right now, but he hangs out in my room!" Wilbur smiled, quickly pulling out his phone to show Tommy a picture.

It was an older picture, since Wilbur looked a bit younger. But still, he had a big smile while holding up a blue sheep.

"Techno won him for me actually at our first time to the fair. Oh! Have you ever been to a fair?" Wilbur asked, pocketing his phone.

Tommy shook his head.

"Oh Phil! We should totally bring Tommy to the fair! You're not afraid of heights are you? Some of the roller coasters are high, but I think that you'll be fine." Wilbur exclaimed, placing his hand back onto Philza's seat.

Wilbur was very... Odd. He seemed to like to talk.. a lot, but I mean it gave him comfort in knowing he isn't the loudest in the house.

Usually when he gets into foster homes he likes to yell his lungs out, (he's annoying like that, so it gets him kicked out quicker.)

But that obviously wouldn't work because Wilbur seemed to talk a lot and Philza and Techno enjoyed it. At least, it seemed like they did.

"Maybe another time." Philza said, looking at Tommy with front view mirror before turning back to the road.

After a few minutes of driving Phil pulled into a parking lot in front of a large building.

"Okay, so I have personal errands to run so, Techno your in charge." Philza said and Wilbur groaned, "Technos always in charge!"

"Thats because you got us banned from a store, Wil."

"It wasn't my fault." Wilbur muttered, crossing his arms around his chest.

"Tommy, if you find anything that catches your eye, tell the boys alright? Remember, we're here to get Tommy new clothes, not start a cult with the five year olds in the play area."

Wilbur and Techno hummed in sync, one sounding more disappointed than the other.

"Right then! I'll text you boys in a hour and we'll meet up at the food court."

They all nodded.


No, Tommy was not having fun running around the mall with Wilbur.

"Hey look! In here!" Wilbur pointed to a shop and turned the 'mall kid carts' Tommy shoved himself into.

Obviously, they got weird looks at Wilbur strolled into the store, an almost adult pretzeling into a kiddie cart, but Wilbur didn't seem to mind the stares so Tommy didn't either.

"Right! Clothes! Got a particular style?" Wilbur asked, turning the cart around a circular clothing rack.

Tommy shook his head and Wilbur hummed, thinking out loud.

"Alright then. We'll have to improvise. Got a favorite color?" Wilbur asked, still looking around the shop.

"Hmm.. red."

"Right then!" Wilbur beamed. "Red clothes.."

With Wilbur scouting the area, Tommy decided he could try and be some help.

"So were probably going to need... t-shirts,   Some new jeans, at least one hoodie-, oh! And then we can go to that store over there so you can get some shoes."

Tommy watched Wilbur point to a shop across from the one they were in before looking back around for clothes.

When Wilbur turned around he got jumps cared by Techno who just appeared out of no where.

"Jeezus Christ Techno-!" Wilbur gasped.

"I win." Techno grinned and Wilbur rolled his eyes.

"At least make use of yourself and help out." Wilbur nudged Techno with his shoulder and he huffed.

Wilbur left the cart to go look around while Techno stayed with Tommy.

"I really don't want Wilbur to do all your shopping. We don't need another.. him in the house." Techno shuddered.

"Have you seen anything you want?" Techno asked, leaning on the cart.

If he's going to be honest, he hadn't actually been looking.

Wilbur seemed very on board with helping out and Tommy sort of didn't want to ruin Wilbur's fun.

"Uhm.." Tommy dragged looking around.

"How bout that?" Tommy pointed to a sweater in one of the racks behind Techno.

Techno pulled it out of the rack and showed it Tommy, who smiled.

"Let's get this one."

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