Blowing Up Ant Piles With The Neighbor Kid

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They spent about thirty minutes in that store and Tommy ended up with a lot more clothes than he was expecting.

After grabbing Tommy three pairs of shoes they made their way to the food court after Techno getting a text from Phil.

Tommy, still in the shopping cart laid back as Wilbur pushed him, jumping onto the bottom bar of the cart.

Techno followed slowly behind, looking up every few seconds just to make sure the cart hadn't toppled over and someone hurt themselves.

Surprisingly, they survived the trip to the court.

They spotted Philza in a line and chose a table before it got too crowded.

Techno, who was ordered by Wilbur to hold all the bags, placed them under his feet and began scrolling on his phone.

Said brunette was bouncing his left leg up and down as he looked around the court when anyone moved.

Tommy found that odd but didn't look into it any further as a plastic bag was placed on the table.

"I got pizza if thats alright." Philza said, finding his seat next to Techno.

Techno nodded and put his phone away while Wilbur was still spaced out.

Techno nor the adult seemed worried by Wilbur's actions and Philza began serving cheese pizza on plastic plates.

Tommy looked down as a plate and a can of coke were placed in front of him. Tommy absentmindedly nodded in thanks and picked up his slice.

"Im hoping you lot didn't get sidetracked and actually got Tommy clothes?" The blonde asked after serving everyone.

Wilbur, who flinched back into existence, nodded.



The ride back was much louder since Wilbur was in charge of the radio.

Wilbur mumbled along as "Arabella" spewed through the speakers and Tommy felt himself more aware this car ride.

Clementine, who was still glued to Tommy was swaying back in forth with the song.

After a few minutes and the songs "You! Me! Dancing!" and "R U Mine?" playing the car parked into the driveway.

Wilbur hopped out of the car and Techno opened the trunk, hauling all of the bags into the house.

Tommy was about to head into the building when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He almost smacked the shit out of who dared touch Tommy when he remembered where he was.

He turned around to see Philza who held out a small box in his hands.

Tommy looked down at the box and up to Philza who just nodded and held it out further.

Tommy grabbed the box hesitantly and adjusted Clementine so he was holding her and the box properly.

Pulling the top over the box Tommy realized it was a phone he had handed him.

"Just thought it was appropriate for you to have one. It has mine and the twins phone numbers on it already just in case."

Tommy pulled out the phone, eyeing it back to front and looked up at the adult.

Remember last time you got a phone from a foster parent?

How long did that one last?

Tommy shook his thoughts away, 'hey, source of entertainment'.

"Uhm.. Thanks."

"No problem. Now, are you going to need help getting your clothes upstairs?" The blonde asked, starting to walk into the house, Tommy suit.

"No- i'm, i'm good."

Phil hummed and locked the door.

As Phil walked away he noticed Techno at the end of the stairs with the bags in his hands.

Techno nodded his head up and began walking up the stairs.

Tommy followed and opened the door for Techno when they made it to (not) Tommy's room.

Techno plopped the bags on the floor and looked to Tommy.

"Lookin' for a tip?" Tommy joked and Techno scoffed, ruffling Tommy's hair before exiting the room.

..Tommy will not note the fact how he lit up when Techno ruffled his hair, in fact he's not even going to think about it and 'right lets put these things away.'

Scurrying through the bags Tommy separated pants from shirts and decided that putting them onto hangers and into the closet would be 'too much effort' and stuffing them into a drawer would be much easier, so he did.

Once he finished he sighed and slipped out of the room, pocketing his new phone into his pocket.

When Tommy made it down the stairs he looked around, noticing a large glass sliding door leading to an outside porch.

'Haven't touched grass in a while.' Tommy thought to himself as he clicked the door unlocked and slid it open.

There was a small table with a chair on the porch and Tommy sat Clementine on the chair, knowing that after a long day Clem would rather relax than explore.

Shutting the door behind him he noticed a makeshift swing tied onto a tree and decided that was good enough for him.

Holding onto the rope, Tommy kicked his feet into the air, looking around as the wind blew his brown hair into his face. Accidentally getting some into his mouth he desperately coughed to get it out of his mouth.

'Hair does not taste good.'

Tommy noted after prying the hair out of his mouth.

Out of nowhere the earthly silence was interrupted by a small explosion from the other side of the fence.

Immediately intrigued, Tommy hopped off of the swing and walked towards the clean white fence, peeking through a hole to find out what was going on at the other side.

There was a small kid, brown hair and torn overalls kneeling over a small ant pile with some sort of controller in his hands.

"What are you doing?" Tommy asked, leaning over the fence.

The person, still looking down at the ant pile replied, "Blowing up an ant pile with homemade explosives."

"Ah.. cool."

Silence before the kid turned from the pile to the fence, Tommy immediately noticing a large scar covering half of his face, one of his eyes drooped low and dull.

"Want to try?"


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