Omg, orphan besties.

59 5 7

'Ranboo's a chill guy,'

Tommy thinks to himself as Ranboo hums and shuts the bathroom door with his foot.

Tommy sat down on the edge of the bath as Ranboo dug through the bottom counter, almost hitting his head on the top twice.

"Alrighty." Ranboo said, cracking his back with a bottle in his hand.

Tommy's never dyed his hair, or have someone else do it for him, but he's not a big fan of his hair, and he wouldn't mind it blonde.

Plus, it might piss off Phil, and that's totally an upside.

"You mind if I put some music on?" Ranboo asked, placing the bottle back on the counter.

"Nah, go ahead."

Nodding, Ranboo scrolled through his phone, picking a song and placing his phone faced down on the counter.

He rolled up his sleeves while humming along to the music, Tommy tapping his hand along with it.


"I'll be your executioner for the day-" Tommy and Ranboo sang in sync, Tommy much louder than Ranboo. Ranboo was nodding his head while Tommy finished the song.

It's been three hours since Ranboo dyed his hair, and Tubbo still hasn't been found- which he hadn't put much thought in until now- where the hell is he?

"Where's Tubbo-?" Tommy asked as 'Executioner' faded into 'Not allowed' and Ranboo lowered the volume down.

"He's hanging out with his dad today- did he not tell you?" Ranboo asked, adjusting himself on the backboard. Awhile ago, they moved from the bathroom to Tubbo's room.

"Oh, nah. I didn't ask anyway, I usually just- show up here randomly, so." Tommy shrugged.

"Oh." Ranboo nodded, "You live nearby?"

"Next door actually." Tommy said, picking dirt from under his nail.

"Minecraft's-?" Ranboo asked, sounding a bit surprised.

"Yeah. I've been there for almost a week. I'm uh- being fostered there, so." Tommy said.

"Oh- cool cool." Ranboo whispered, tapping his fingers together, "How- how's it there?" Ranboo asked.

"Uh-" Tommy hummed, a bit confused. "It's- it's alright I guess-?" Tommy shrugged.

"If I'm being honest, I've been at Tubbo's place more than the house so-" Tommy cut himself off, "Yeah."

Ranboo hummed, scratching the back of his neck. "I-uh- they're- they're cool people. I think you'll like it there." Ranboo said, smiling.

Tommy hummed, absentmindedly. Tubbo had told him the same thing but Tommy doesn't want to like the Minecraft's, and neither Tubbo nor Ranboo would understand it.

"When- when I was being fostered there- it was a bit weird- for the beginning I guess, since Phil was- very- I dunno, different from some other foster parents but- in- in a good way, y'know? They're good people- and-yeah." Ranboo shrugged, shutting himself up.


"I didn't know you were in the system?" Tommy said.

"I- was, a- a bit ago- but then I was adopted by my moms like- two years ago." Ranboo scratched the back of his neck.

"You were fostered by the Minecraft's?"

"Yup." Ranboo nodded, popping the p.

"It's actually how I met Tubbo- he was- doing stupid shit like usual and fell over the fence on accident-" Ranboo said, chuckling.

"What happened? With you and the Minecraft's-?" Tommy asked. Why wasn't Ranboo with them anymore-? Did they do something-?

"Oh." Ranboo said, awkwardly looking around the room. "It was- the wrong time I guess." Ranboo said, hunching his shoulders up to his ears looking away.

"It's- not really my space to speak on but- it wasn't uh- safe- to be in the house with the Minecraft's- so- I had to leave."

Not safe-?

What the fuck-?

"Uhm- but I assume- it's all good now since- since you're being fostered. It's uh- all good now so- you'll be fine." Ranboo said, rushing the rest of his sentence out. He awkwardly coughed, ending the conversation.

And Tommy can catch a hint, even if he really really really wants to know what had happened.

"You'd be a really cool foster sibling." Tommy said, an attempt to change the subject. And it's not a lie, Ranboo does seem like the foster sibling to get you out of a bad home and beat up the bitchy foster kids.

And Tommy thinks if Ranboo was still with the Minecraft's, maybe he'd hang around the house a lot more than he does.

"Oh- thanks." Ranboo said questioningly , shoulders relaxing back down.

Tommy hummed.

"How many homes have you been in?" Tommy asked, a question to fill the void but also curious. He must have been fostering somewhere different since he's pretty sure he's never seen Ranboo in any of his foster homes.

"I think- six. Not so bad I think. But it was very like- spaced out since I was one of the older kids and uh- y'know how that goes."

"Tell me bout it." Tommy whined.

"How bout you?" Ranboo asked, turning the volume back up as 'Field crow.' began.

"I lost count after the twenty third one."


Hey, Raz here!

So, this is a kind of important update regarding this story:

This story will continue on, with c!wilbur as a character. I want to start this off saying I do not support cc!wilbur at all. Abuse is serious, no matter the form, and I am full Shelby support.

I'm putting this out there since c!wilbur is a main character in this story, so I find that it's important that my stance is known in this situation.

However, my stories have only ever featured the characters and not the cc!'s.

Just wanted to get that out of the way.

I'm also happy to say my summer has started! I'm not sure what that means for my stories since I usually only write when I have motivation (which is pretty rare 🫠) but I'm hoping that I can write more since I was recently rereading this and I was cracking up!

Anyway, have a great day lovlies! And take care of yourselves! <33 -RazHasNo_Name

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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