Train Tracks

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Teddy POV

We walked down the train tracks when I saw someone in the distance. "Who the hell is that?" Vern yelled falling far behind the rest of us. Chris and I ran forward trying to catch up to them. We got closer so we were only a few feet away and I realised it was a girl around our age. She stopped walking for a second and turned around slowly.

"Do I know you?" She shot narrowing her eyes. She had a cut on her cheek and bruises covering her arms and legs. "Umm no. We were just heading. To um the back Harlow rode and we noticed you walking alone." Gordie and Vern ran up behind us as we spoke to her. "What a coincedent so am I." She smirked a little glancing at Vern and Gordie.

"I'm Kylee." She introduced. "I'm Teddy, this is Chris, Gordie, and Vern." I said gesturing to everyone. She nodded for a second and spoke up. "Well since we're both going in the same detection we might as well stick together." She suggested and started walking without even waiting for us to answer.

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