Cry Baby (idek)

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Kylie POV

"Hey Verno where's the radio let's get some sounds." Chris asked. "Here." Vern handed it to him. He turned on the music and they started to talk. It was the kind of talk that you don't feel included in unless you're really part of the group. And I wasn't.

I got up and I went for another walk. It was peaceful. Too peaceful. I didn't like peaceful I liked Teddy's annoying laugh. I kicked up the dirt as I walked. I got a little bored and walked back, then turned around again. To see Chris standing there.

"What are you doing over here?" He asked. "I just wanted to go for a walk." I mumbled. "Well your walk is over. C'mon." He smiled grabbing my wrist and dragging me back to the group. Just in time to hear Vern saying "that's weird, what the hell is Goofy?" I laughed. "Goofys a dog, Pluto is his retarded brother." I explained. They all stared at me again. "What? Its true! That's why Goofy wears a hat and drives a car and Pluto doesn't."

We all fell asleep. Well everyone but me. I couldn't get to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Ray. There was a howl in the distance and all of them jump awake. "Oh my god!" Vern yelled. "Its that Brower kid." Teddy said standing up. "His ghost is out walking in the woods." I snorted at this. "Its obviously a coyote." I laughed. Teddy shook his head. Vern kept mumbling a bunch of stuff so Teddy snuck up behind him and tapped his shoulder.

"Two for flinching." He said punching Vern. "What is it Chris?" Gordie asked. Standing next to Chris who was holding a gun. "Maybe its coyotes." "I just fucking said that!" I whisper shouted. "It sounds like a woman screaming." Gordie whispered. "Its not coyotes. Its his ghost." I really wanted to punch him. I didn't really want to talk about Ray. "Don't say that." Vern mumbled. "Teddy sit down." Chris ordered. "Im going to look for it, I wanna see the ghost." Teddy smirked as he started to walk away. I was just shriveled up in a ball at that point. I hated talking about him. I hated it.

"Don't say that." Vern whined. "I just wanna see what he looks like." It howled again and he fell backwards. "Maybe we should stand guard..." Vern suggested. "Yeah that's a good idea." Chris agreed. "Give me the gun I'll take first watch." Teddy voulenteered. "Is this a good time to say I have a gun too?" I asked glancing around. "Wait you do?" Chris asked. I smilled a little. "What you expected me too be walking alone and not bring a gun?" I shrugged and stood up. "I'll help with the whole watch thing. I can't sleep anyway."

I sat down on the root of a tree while Teddy stood above me. "2300 hours. Corporal Teddy Duchamp stands guard. No sign of the enemy the fort is secure." Teddy narrated. "Shut up Teddy and keep your eyes peeled." His hands fell to his sides for a second. Until he brought a fist to his mouth and started humming. "Cut it out Teddy I'm trying to sleep!" They yelled at him. "The dogfaces rested easy in the knowlage that corporal Teddy Duchamp was watching over all that was dear to them." I snorted as I laughed at him.

After our shift was over I tried to sleep again, but ended up just laying on my back staring at the sky until it was Chris's turn to keep watch.

"Hey Chris, would you mind if I sat with you while your keeping watch? I still can't fall asleep." I mumbled. He shrugged a little so I just walked over and sat with him. "Who's gun is it?" I asked. "My dads." He answered not even glancing at me. "Is something bothering you, Chambers?" I asked giggling a little. "No." I smiled. "Are ya suuuuure?" I asked poking his cheek. "I'm fine." He sighed. "No you're not. Tell me what's wrong. C'mon. Please?????" I whined. He laughed a little and looked at me. "Why do you care?" He asked frowning. "Because...I just do okay!" I practically screamed. "You need to sleep. I'll tell you in the morning." He said I sighed and walked back over to my 'bed'. "You have to tell me though." I smiled before laying down and falling asleep.

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