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Kylie POV

"Hey Vern it looks like your moms been out driving again." "That's so funny I forgot to laugh." I laughed a little as we stood outside the junk yard. "Stand back men!" Teddy yelled as he threw his 'luggage' over the fence and made and explosion sound. "Paratroopers over the side!" We climbed the fence and dropped down. I ran close behind Teddy and Vern as they ran to the other side of the yard.

I laughed as Gordie and Chris ran over, Chris commentating on there race.

We all sat down in a shaded area throwing rocks at a can when the started to talk about Mickey mouse clubhouse or something. I kind of stop paying attention and got lost in thought. That is until they started spitting water at the can. Me and Teddy both took a sip of water and spit it in Vern's face at the same time. "Oh that's great spit at the fat kid." Vern whimpered.

"Great minds think alike." I laughed wiping my mouth. "What time is Gordie?" Vern asked still angery about us spitting on him. "Umm its a quarter after one." "We better go get the food, the junkyard opens at three. Chopper'll be here." Chris laughed. "Sick balls."

"You go and you can pick us up on the way back." Teddy laughed. "I'm not going alone." "I'm staying." "Yeah man I'm not going." Gordie said. "Girls girls cool it, let's flip for it." Chris interrupted (again) "okay, odd man goes?" Gordie suggested. "That's you Gordie odd as a cod." "Flip or eat lead." We all flipped the coin. "Five tails. Jesus man that's a goocher." Vern said. "That doesn't mean anything c'mon Vern." "No goochers are really bad. Remember when Clint Bracken and those guys got wiped out in Dunkan? Billy told me they were flipping for beers. They came up with a goocher right before going out. Then bang they all got totalled! I don't like this sincerely." Teddy sighed. "Verno! No one believes that stuff about goochers! Its baby stuff! C'mon flip again." We all flipped. Well all of us except Vern. "You gonna flip or not?" "C'mon Verno we don't have all day!" He flipped. "You lose Gordie!" Teddy yelled and started to laughed. "What is that annoying noise?" I asked looking at him. He instantly stopped laughing and looked away. "I'll go with you Gordie. I need to get away from him." I laughed gesturing towards the annoying Teddy and standing up.

"What a wet end you are Lechance." Teddy said. "Shut up." Gordie sighed. "I don't shut up, I grow up and when I look at you I throw up!" They all sing-songed. "And then your mother comes around the corner and licks it up." He shot back before turning and walking away.

We walked into the little store and I looked around. "So what are we getting I asked. He looked at me for a second and finally said. "You act different when the other guys aren't around." I glanced at him and kicked at the floor. "Cuz youre not annoying." I muttered before walking farther into the store and grabbing some candy (GUUUUUUUMMMMYY BEEEEEEEAAAAAARRRRSSSS)

"Ain't you Denny Lechances brother?" The store clerk asked. "A shame what happened to him. The bible says the midsts of life we are in death. (Sorry if I butchered that...) Did you know that? I lost a brother in Korea. You look like your brother Denny. People ever tell you that?"

"Sometimes." That's when I realised why he looked so familiar. His brother. "I remember the year conference. Quarter back he played." The guy kept talking but I didn't really listen. I could tell something was bothering Gordie. He seemed...out. "You play football?" The man asked Gordie looked up. "Do you play football?" The man repeated. "No." He answered. "Then what do you do?" "I don't know." "Yeah well your brother Denny sure could play football."

We walked out and I smiled a little. "I just realised why I roconized you." I said. "You do look a lot like your brother. I hope you dont mind me saying that." I smiled glancing at him. He seemed in a daze. "Do you not like talking about him?" I asked. He shook his head and his eyes kinda watered. "Well I bet he was a great brother."

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